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No code

Nuclia is primarily an API-driven platform, but it also provides a no-code interface for users who prefer to work with a graphical user interface (GUI) instead of APIs. The no-code interface allows you to create your Nuclia resources and deploy your RAG-enabled search engine without writing any code.

Step 1: Create an account

Go to and sign up for your free account.

Complete the following steps:

  • Enter your email address and full name.
  • Validate the email confirmation.
  • Create a password.
  • Select your language(s) and your geographical zone.

Step 2: Index your data

In the Nuclia Dashboard, go to the left navigation bar and click on Upload data.

You can upload files in various formats, such as PDF, Word, Excel, PowerPoint, or text files. You can also upload links to web pages.

Indexing files might take a while, depending on the size and nature of the file. We recommend starting with a few small files so you can start playing with Nuclia right away.

Step 3: Tune your search engine

Click on Search in the left navigation bar and start playing with the Nuclia features.

The Search options section allows to define how retrieval is done (see Tune the Search Strategy).

The Generative answer and RAG section allows you to define how the answer is generated (see Define the RAG Strategy).

Step 4: Deploy your search engine

Once your happy with your search engine, click on the Create widget button.

Set a name for your search options and a name for your widget.

Then, click on Embed widget to get the snippet to embed your search engine in your website.