NucliaDB REST API (v1)
API reference for the NucliaDB, covering all the endpoints related to pushing or searching contents.
Get Resource (by id)
Authorization roles
Authenticated user needs to fulfill one of this roles, otherwise the request will be rejected with a 403
path Parameters
kbid required | string (Kbid) |
rid required | string (Rid) |
query Parameters
show | Array of strings (Show) Default: "basic" Items Enum: "basic" "origin" "extra" "relations" "values" "extracted" "errors" "security" |
field_type | Array of strings (Field Type) Default: "text&field_type=file&field_type=link&field_type=conversation&field_type=generic" Items Enum: "text" "file" "link" "conversation" "generic" |
extracted | Array of strings (Extracted) Default: "text&extracted=metadata&extracted=link&extracted=file" Items Enum: "text" "metadata" "shortened_metadata" "large_metadata" "vectors" "link" "file" "question_answers" |
header Parameters
x-nucliadb-user | string (X-Nucliadb-User) Default: |
x-forwarded-for | string (X-Forwarded-For) Default: |
Response samples
- 200
- 422
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Modify Resource (by id)
Authorization roles
Authenticated user needs to fulfill one of this roles, otherwise the request will be rejected with a 403
path Parameters
kbid required | string (Kbid) |
rid required | string (Rid) |
header Parameters
x-skip-store | boolean (X-Skip-Store) Default: false If set to true, file fields will not be saved in the blob storage. They will only be sent to process. |
x-nucliadb-user | string (X-Nucliadb-User) Default: |
Request Body schema: application/jsonrequired
Title (string) or Title (null) (Title) | |
Summary (string) or Summary (null) (Summary) | |
Slug (string) or Slug (null) (Slug) The slug is the user-defined id for the resource | |
Thumbnail (string) or Thumbnail (null) (Thumbnail) | |
InputMetadata (object) or null | |
UserMetadata (object) or null | |
Array of Fieldmetadata (objects) or Fieldmetadata (null) (Fieldmetadata) | |
InputOrigin (object) or null | |
Extra (object) or null | |
object (Files) Default: {} Dictionary of file fields to be added to the resource. The keys correspond to the field id, and must comply with the regex: ^[a-zA-Z0-9:_-]+$ | |
object (Links) Default: {} Dictionary of link fields to be added to the resource. The keys correspond to the field id, and must comply with the regex: ^[a-zA-Z0-9:_-]+$ | |
object (Texts) Default: {} Dictionary of text fields to be added to the resource. The keys correspond to the field id, and must comply with the regex: ^[a-zA-Z0-9:_-]+$ | |
object (Conversations) Default: {} Dictionary of conversation fields to be added to the resource. The keys correspond to the field id, and must comply with the regex: ^[a-zA-Z0-9:_-]+$ | |
PushProcessingOptions (object) or null Default: {"ml_text":true} | |
ResourceSecurity (object) or Security (null) (Security) Security metadata for the resource. It can be used to have fine-grained control over who can access the resource. | |
Hidden (boolean) or Hidden (null) (Hidden) |
Request samples
- Payload
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Response samples
- 200
- 422
{- "seqid": 0
Delete Resource (by id)
Authorization roles
Authenticated user needs to fulfill one of this roles, otherwise the request will be rejected with a 403
path Parameters
kbid required | string (Kbid) |
rid required | string (Rid) |
Response samples
- 422
{- "detail": [
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- "type": "string"
Reindex Resource (by id)
Authorization roles
Authenticated user needs to fulfill one of this roles, otherwise the request will be rejected with a 403
path Parameters
kbid required | string (Kbid) |
rid required | string (Rid) |
query Parameters
reindex_vectors | boolean (Reindex Vectors) Default: false |
Response samples
- 422
{- "detail": [
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Reprocess resource (by id)
Authorization roles
Authenticated user needs to fulfill one of this roles, otherwise the request will be rejected with a 403
path Parameters
kbid required | string (Kbid) |
rid required | string (Rid) |
header Parameters
x-nucliadb-user | string (X-Nucliadb-User) Default: |
Response samples
- 202
- 422
{- "seqid": 0
List Resources
List of resources of a knowledgebox
Authorization roles
Authenticated user needs to fulfill one of this roles, otherwise the request will be rejected with a 403
path Parameters
kbid required | string (Kbid) |
query Parameters
page | integer (Page) Default: 0 Requested page number (0-based) |
size | integer (Size) Default: 20 Page size |
Response samples
- 200
- 422
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Create Resource
Create a new Resource in a Knowledge Box
Authorization roles
Authenticated user needs to fulfill one of this roles, otherwise the request will be rejected with a 403
path Parameters
kbid required | string (Kbid) |
header Parameters
x-skip-store | boolean (X-Skip-Store) Default: false If set to true, file fields will not be saved in the blob storage. They will only be sent to process. |
x-nucliadb-user | string (X-Nucliadb-User) Default: |
Request Body schema: application/jsonrequired
Title (string) or Title (null) (Title) | |
Summary (string) or Summary (null) (Summary) | |
Slug (string) or Slug (null) (Slug) The slug is the user-defined id for the resource | |
Icon (string) or Icon (null) (Icon) The icon should be a media type string: | |
Thumbnail (string) or Thumbnail (null) (Thumbnail) | |
InputMetadata (object) or null | |
UserMetadata (object) or null | |
Array of Fieldmetadata (objects) or Fieldmetadata (null) (Fieldmetadata) | |
InputOrigin (object) or null | |
Extra (object) or null | |
Hidden (boolean) or Hidden (null) (Hidden) | |
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object (Links) Default: {} Dictionary of link fields to be added to the resource. The keys correspond to the field id, and must comply with the regex: ^[a-zA-Z0-9:_-]+$ | |
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object (Conversations) Default: {} Dictionary of conversation fields to be added to the resource. The keys correspond to the field id, and must comply with the regex: ^[a-zA-Z0-9:_-]+$ | |
PushProcessingOptions (object) or null Default: {"ml_text":true} | |
ResourceSecurity (object) or Security (null) (Security) Security metadata for the resource. It can be used to have fine-grained control over who can access the resource. |
Request samples
- Payload
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Response samples
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- 422
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Get Resource (by slug)
Authorization roles
Authenticated user needs to fulfill one of this roles, otherwise the request will be rejected with a 403
path Parameters
kbid required | string (Kbid) |
rslug required | string (Rslug) |
query Parameters
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header Parameters
x-nucliadb-user | string (X-Nucliadb-User) Default: |
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Response samples
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- "root": "string",
- "type": "string"
], - "tokens": {
- "property1": 0,
- "property2": 0
}, - "split_metadata": {
- "property1": {
- "entities": [
- {
- "token": null,
- "root": null,
- "type": null
], - "tokens": {
- "property1": 0,
- "property2": 0
}, - "property2": {
- "entities": [
- {
- "token": null,
- "root": null,
- "type": null
], - "tokens": {
- "property1": 0,
- "property2": 0
}, - "deleted_splits": [
- "string"
}, - "vectors": {
- "vectors": {
- "vectors": [
- {
- "start": 0,
- "end": 0,
- "start_paragraph": 0,
- "end_paragraph": 0,
- "vector": [
- null
}, - "split_vectors": {
- "property1": {
- "vectors": [
- {
- "start": null,
- "end": null,
- "start_paragraph": null,
- "end_paragraph": null,
- "vector": null
}, - "property2": {
- "vectors": [
- {
- "start": null,
- "end": null,
- "start_paragraph": null,
- "end_paragraph": null,
- "vector": null
}, - "deleted_splits": [
- "string"
}, - "question_answers": {
- "question_answers": {
- "question_answer": [
- {
- "question": {
- "text": null,
- "language": null,
- "ids_paragraphs": [ ]
}, - "answers": [
- null
}, - "split_question_answers": {
- "property1": {
- "question_answer": [
- {
- "question": null,
- "answers": [ ]
}, - "property2": {
- "question_answer": [
- {
- "question": null,
- "answers": [ ]
}, - "deleted_splits": [
- "string"
}, - "error": {
- "body": "string",
- "code": 0
}, - "security": {
- "access_groups": [ ]
Modify Resource (by slug)
Authorization roles
Authenticated user needs to fulfill one of this roles, otherwise the request will be rejected with a 403
path Parameters
kbid required | string (Kbid) |
rslug required | string (Rslug) |
header Parameters
x-skip-store | boolean (X-Skip-Store) Default: false If set to true, file fields will not be saved in the blob storage. They will only be sent to process. |
x-nucliadb-user | string (X-Nucliadb-User) Default: |
Request Body schema: application/jsonrequired
Title (string) or Title (null) (Title) | |
Summary (string) or Summary (null) (Summary) | |
Slug (string) or Slug (null) (Slug) The slug is the user-defined id for the resource | |
Thumbnail (string) or Thumbnail (null) (Thumbnail) | |
InputMetadata (object) or null | |
UserMetadata (object) or null | |
Array of Fieldmetadata (objects) or Fieldmetadata (null) (Fieldmetadata) | |
InputOrigin (object) or null | |
Extra (object) or null | |
object (Files) Default: {} Dictionary of file fields to be added to the resource. The keys correspond to the field id, and must comply with the regex: ^[a-zA-Z0-9:_-]+$ | |
object (Links) Default: {} Dictionary of link fields to be added to the resource. The keys correspond to the field id, and must comply with the regex: ^[a-zA-Z0-9:_-]+$ | |
object (Texts) Default: {} Dictionary of text fields to be added to the resource. The keys correspond to the field id, and must comply with the regex: ^[a-zA-Z0-9:_-]+$ | |
object (Conversations) Default: {} Dictionary of conversation fields to be added to the resource. The keys correspond to the field id, and must comply with the regex: ^[a-zA-Z0-9:_-]+$ | |
PushProcessingOptions (object) or null Default: {"ml_text":true} | |
ResourceSecurity (object) or Security (null) (Security) Security metadata for the resource. It can be used to have fine-grained control over who can access the resource. | |
Hidden (boolean) or Hidden (null) (Hidden) |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "title": "string",
- "summary": "string",
- "slug": "string",
- "thumbnail": "string",
- "metadata": {
- "metadata": { },
- "language": "string",
- "languages": [
- "string"
}, - "usermetadata": {
- "classifications": [ ],
- "relations": [ ]
}, - "fieldmetadata": [
- {
- "token": [ ],
- "paragraphs": [ ],
- "selections": [ ],
- "question_answers": [ ],
- "field": {
- "field_type": "file",
- "field": "string"
], - "origin": {
- "source_id": "string",
- "url": "string",
- "created": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "modified": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "metadata": { },
- "tags": [ ],
- "collaborators": [ ],
- "filename": "string",
- "related": [ ],
- "path": "string"
}, - "extra": {
- "metadata": { }
}, - "files": { },
- "links": { },
- "texts": { },
- "conversations": { },
- "processing_options": {
- "ml_text": true
}, - "security": {
- "access_groups": [ ]
}, - "hidden": true
Response samples
- 200
- 422
{- "seqid": 0
Delete Resource (by slug)
Authorization roles
Authenticated user needs to fulfill one of this roles, otherwise the request will be rejected with a 403
path Parameters
kbid required | string (Kbid) |
rslug required | string (Rslug) |
Response samples
- 422
{- "detail": [
- {
- "loc": [
- "string"
], - "msg": "string",
- "type": "string"
Reindex Resource (by slug)
Authorization roles
Authenticated user needs to fulfill one of this roles, otherwise the request will be rejected with a 403
path Parameters
kbid required | string (Kbid) |
rslug required | string (Rslug) |
query Parameters
reindex_vectors | boolean (Reindex Vectors) Default: false |
Response samples
- 422
{- "detail": [
- {
- "loc": [
- "string"
], - "msg": "string",
- "type": "string"
Reprocess resource (by slug)
Authorization roles
Authenticated user needs to fulfill one of this roles, otherwise the request will be rejected with a 403
path Parameters
kbid required | string (Kbid) |
rslug required | string (Rslug) |
header Parameters
x-nucliadb-user | string (X-Nucliadb-User) Default: |
Response samples
- 202
- 422
{- "seqid": 0
Upload binary file on a Resource (by id)
Upload a file as a field on an existing resource, if the field exists will return a conflict (419)
Authorization roles
Authenticated user needs to fulfill one of this roles, otherwise the request will be rejected with a 403
path Parameters
kbid required | string (Kbid) |
path_rid required | string (Path Rid) |
field required | string (Field) ^[a-zA-Z0-9:_-]+$ |
header Parameters
Array of X-Filename (strings) or X-Filename (null) (X-Filename) | |
Array of X-Password (strings) or X-Password (null) (X-Password) | |
Array of X-Language (strings) or X-Language (null) (X-Language) | |
Array of X-Md5 (strings) or X-Md5 (null) (X-Md5) |
Response samples
- 201
- 422
{- "seqid": 0,
- "uuid": "string",
- "field_id": "string"
Add resource conversation field (by id)
Authorization roles
Authenticated user needs to fulfill one of this roles, otherwise the request will be rejected with a 403
path Parameters
kbid required | string (Kbid) |
rid required | string (Rid) |
field_id required | string (Field Id) ^[a-zA-Z0-9:_-]+$ |
Request Body schema: application/jsonrequired
Array of objects (Messages) Default: [] | |||||||||||||
Request samples
- Payload
{- "messages": [ ]
Response samples
- 201
- 422
{- "seqid": 0
Download conversation binary field (by id)
Authorization roles
Authenticated user needs to fulfill one of this roles, otherwise the request will be rejected with a 403
path Parameters
kbid required | string (Kbid) |
rid required | string (Rid) |
field_id required | string (Field Id) |
message_id required | string (Message Id) |
file_num required | integer (File Num) |
Response samples
- 200
- 422
Append messages to conversation field (by id)
Authorization roles
Authenticated user needs to fulfill one of this roles, otherwise the request will be rejected with a 403
path Parameters
kbid required | string (Kbid) |
rid required | string (Rid) |
field_id required | string (Field Id) ^[a-zA-Z0-9:_-]+$ |
Request Body schema: application/jsonrequired
Timestamp (string) or Timestamp (null) (Timestamp) | |
Who (string) or Who (null) (Who) | |
to | Array of strings (To) Default: [] |
required | object (InputMessageContent) |
ident required | string (Ident) |
MessageType (string) or null |
Request samples
- Payload
[- {
- "timestamp": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "who": "string",
- "to": [ ],
- "content": {
- "text": "string",
- "format": "PLAIN",
- "attachments": [ ],
- "attachments_fields": [ ]
}, - "ident": "string",
- "type": "UNSET"
Response samples
- 200
- 422
{- "seqid": 0
Add resource file field (by id)
Authorization roles
Authenticated user needs to fulfill one of this roles, otherwise the request will be rejected with a 403
path Parameters
kbid required | string (Kbid) |
rid required | string (Rid) |
field_id required | string (Field Id) ^[a-zA-Z0-9:_-]+$ |
header Parameters
x-skip-store | boolean (X-Skip-Store) Default: false If set to true, file fields will not be saved in the blob storage. They will only be sent to process. |
Request Body schema: application/jsonrequired
Language (string) or Language (null) (Language) | |
Password (string) or Password (null) (Password) | |
required | object (File) |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "language": "string",
- "password": "string",
- "file": {
- "filename": "string",
- "content_type": "application/octet-stream",
- "payload": "string",
- "md5": "string",
- "uri": "string",
- "extra_headers": { }
Response samples
- 201
- 422
{- "seqid": 0
Download field binary field (by id)
Authorization roles
Authenticated user needs to fulfill one of this roles, otherwise the request will be rejected with a 403
path Parameters
kbid required | string (Kbid) |
rid required | string (Rid) |
field_id required | string (Field Id) |
query Parameters
inline | boolean (Inline) Default: false |
Response samples
- 200
- 422
Reprocess file field (by id)
Authorization roles
Authenticated user needs to fulfill one of this roles, otherwise the request will be rejected with a 403
path Parameters
kbid required | string (Kbid) |
rid required | string (Rid) |
field_id required | string (Field Id) ^[a-zA-Z0-9:_-]+$ |
header Parameters
x-nucliadb-user | string (X-Nucliadb-User) Default: |
X-File-Password (string) or X-File-Password (null) (X-File-Password) If a file is password protected, the password must be provided here for the file to be processed |
Response samples
- 202
- 422
{- "seqid": 0
Add resource link field (by id)
Authorization roles
Authenticated user needs to fulfill one of this roles, otherwise the request will be rejected with a 403
path Parameters
kbid required | string (Kbid) |
rid required | string (Rid) |
field_id required | string (Field Id) ^[a-zA-Z0-9:_-]+$ |
Request Body schema: application/jsonrequired
Headers (object) or Headers (null) (Headers) Default: {} | |
Cookies (object) or Cookies (null) (Cookies) Default: {} | |
uri required | string (Uri) |
Language (string) or Language (null) (Language) | |
Localstorage (object) or Localstorage (null) (Localstorage) Default: {} | |
Css Selector (string) or Css Selector (null) (Css Selector) | |
Xpath (string) or Xpath (null) (Xpath) |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "headers": { },
- "cookies": { },
- "uri": "string",
- "language": "string",
- "localstorage": { },
- "css_selector": "string",
- "xpath": "string"
Response samples
- 201
- 422
{- "seqid": 0
Add resource text field (by id)
Authorization roles
Authenticated user needs to fulfill one of this roles, otherwise the request will be rejected with a 403
path Parameters
kbid required | string (Kbid) |
rid required | string (Rid) |
field_id required | string (Field Id) ^[a-zA-Z0-9:_-]+$ |
Request Body schema: application/jsonrequired
body required | string (Body) <= 2097152 characters The text body. The format of the text should be specified in the format field. The sum of all text fields in the request may not exceed 2MB. If you need to store more text, consider using a file field instead or splitting into multiple requests for each text field. |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "body": "string",
- "format": "PLAIN"
Response samples
- 201
- 422
{- "seqid": 0
Get Resource field (by id)
Authorization roles
Authenticated user needs to fulfill one of this roles, otherwise the request will be rejected with a 403
path Parameters
kbid required | string (Kbid) |
rid required | string (Rid) |
field_type required | string (FieldTypeName) Enum: "text" "file" "link" "conversation" "generic" This map assumes that both values and extracted data field containers use the same names for its fields. See models.ResourceFieldValues and models.ResourceFieldExtractedData |
field_id required | string (Field Id) |
query Parameters
show | Array of strings (Show) Default: "value" Items Enum: "value" "extracted" "error" |
extracted | Array of strings (Extracted) Default: "text&extracted=metadata&extracted=link&extracted=file" Items Enum: "text" "metadata" "shortened_metadata" "large_metadata" "vectors" "link" "file" "question_answers" |
Page (string) or Page (integer) (Page) Default: "last" |
Response samples
- 200
- 422
{- "field_type": "text",
- "field_id": "string",
- "value": null,
- "extracted": {
- "text": {
- "text": "string",
- "split_text": {
- "property1": "string",
- "property2": "string"
}, - "deleted_splits": [
- "string"
}, - "metadata": {
- "metadata": {
- "links": [
- "string"
], - "paragraphs": [
- {
- "start": 0,
- "end": 0,
- "start_seconds": [
- 0
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- 0
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- "classifications": [
- {
- "labelset": "string",
- "label": "string"
], - "sentences": [
- {
- "start": 0,
- "end": 0,
- "key": "string"
], - "key": "string",
- "page": {
- "page": 0,
- "page_with_visual": true
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- "is_a_table": true,
- "reference_file": "string"
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- "property1": "string",
- "property2": "string"
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- "positions": [
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- "labelset": "string",
- "label": "string"
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- "last_understanding": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "last_extract": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "last_summary": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "thumbnail": {
- "uri": "string",
- "size": 0,
- "content_type": "string",
- "filename": "string",
- "md5": "string"
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- "summary": "string",
- "positions": {
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- "position": [
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- "start": 0,
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- "start": 0,
- "end": 0
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- "group": "string"
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- "labelset": "string",
- "label": "string"
], - "last_index": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "last_understanding": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "last_extract": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "last_summary": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "thumbnail": {
- "uri": "string",
- "size": 0,
- "content_type": "string",
- "filename": "string",
- "md5": "string"
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- "summary": "string",
- "positions": {
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- "start": 0,
- "end": 0
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- "end": 0
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- "relation": "ABOUT",
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- "metadata": {
- "paragraph_id": "string",
- "source_start": 0,
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- "string"
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- "last_understanding": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "last_extract": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "last_summary": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "thumbnail": {
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- "content_type": "string",
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- "md5": "string"
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- "summary": "string",
- "positions": {
- "property1": {
- "position": [
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- "end": 0
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- "string"
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- "vectors": {
- "vectors": [
- {
- "start": 0,
- "end": 0,
- "start_paragraph": 0,
- "end_paragraph": 0,
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- 0
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- "start": 0,
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- "start": 0,
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- "start_paragraph": 0,
- "end_paragraph": 0,
- "vector": [
- 0
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- "string"
}, - "question_answers": {
- "question_answers": {
- "question_answer": [
- {
- "question": {
- "text": "string",
- "language": "string",
- "ids_paragraphs": [
- "string"
}, - "answers": [
- {
- "text": "string",
- "language": "string",
- "ids_paragraphs": [
- "string"
}, - "split_question_answers": {
- "property1": {
- "question_answer": [
- {
- "question": {
- "text": "string",
- "language": "string",
- "ids_paragraphs": [
- "string"
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- {
- "text": "string",
- "language": "string",
- "ids_paragraphs": [
- null
}, - "property2": {
- "question_answer": [
- {
- "question": {
- "text": "string",
- "language": "string",
- "ids_paragraphs": [
- "string"
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- {
- "text": "string",
- "language": "string",
- "ids_paragraphs": [
- null
}, - "deleted_splits": [
- "string"
}, - "error": {
- "body": "string",
- "code": 0
Delete Resource field (by id)
Authorization roles
Authenticated user needs to fulfill one of this roles, otherwise the request will be rejected with a 403
path Parameters
kbid required | string (Kbid) |
rid required | string (Rid) |
field_type required | string (FieldTypeName) Enum: "text" "file" "link" "conversation" "generic" This map assumes that both values and extracted data field containers use the same names for its fields. See models.ResourceFieldValues and models.ResourceFieldExtractedData |
field_id required | string (Field Id) ^[a-zA-Z0-9:_-]+$ |
Response samples
- 422
{- "detail": [
- {
- "loc": [
- "string"
], - "msg": "string",
- "type": "string"
Download extracted binary file (by id)
Authorization roles
Authenticated user needs to fulfill one of this roles, otherwise the request will be rejected with a 403
path Parameters
kbid required | string (Kbid) |
rid required | string (Rid) |
field_type required | string (FieldTypeName) Enum: "text" "file" "link" "conversation" "generic" This map assumes that both values and extracted data field containers use the same names for its fields. See models.ResourceFieldValues and models.ResourceFieldExtractedData |
field_id required | string (Field Id) |
download_field required | string (Download Field) |
Response samples
- 200
- 422
Add resource conversation field (by slug)
Authorization roles
Authenticated user needs to fulfill one of this roles, otherwise the request will be rejected with a 403
path Parameters
kbid required | string (Kbid) |
rslug required | string (Rslug) |
field_id required | string (Field Id) ^[a-zA-Z0-9:_-]+$ |
Request Body schema: application/jsonrequired
Array of objects (Messages) Default: [] | |||||||||||||
Request samples
- Payload
{- "messages": [ ]
Response samples
- 201
- 422
{- "seqid": 0
Download conversation binary field (by slug)
Authorization roles
Authenticated user needs to fulfill one of this roles, otherwise the request will be rejected with a 403
path Parameters
kbid required | string (Kbid) |
rslug required | string (Rslug) |
field_id required | string (Field Id) |
message_id required | string (Message Id) |
file_num required | integer (File Num) |
Response samples
- 200
- 422
Append messages to conversation field (by slug)
Authorization roles
Authenticated user needs to fulfill one of this roles, otherwise the request will be rejected with a 403
path Parameters
kbid required | string (Kbid) |
rslug required | string (Rslug) |
field_id required | string (Field Id) ^[a-zA-Z0-9:_-]+$ |
Request Body schema: application/jsonrequired
Timestamp (string) or Timestamp (null) (Timestamp) | |
Who (string) or Who (null) (Who) | |
to | Array of strings (To) Default: [] |
required | object (InputMessageContent) |
ident required | string (Ident) |
MessageType (string) or null |
Request samples
- Payload
[- {
- "timestamp": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "who": "string",
- "to": [ ],
- "content": {
- "text": "string",
- "format": "PLAIN",
- "attachments": [ ],
- "attachments_fields": [ ]
}, - "ident": "string",
- "type": "UNSET"
Response samples
- 200
- 422
{- "seqid": 0
Add resource file field (by slug)
Authorization roles
Authenticated user needs to fulfill one of this roles, otherwise the request will be rejected with a 403
path Parameters
kbid required | string (Kbid) |
rslug required | string (Rslug) |
field_id required | string (Field Id) ^[a-zA-Z0-9:_-]+$ |
header Parameters
x-skip-store | boolean (X-Skip-Store) Default: false If set to true, file fields will not be saved in the blob storage. They will only be sent to process. |
Request Body schema: application/jsonrequired
Language (string) or Language (null) (Language) | |
Password (string) or Password (null) (Password) | |
required | object (File) |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "language": "string",
- "password": "string",
- "file": {
- "filename": "string",
- "content_type": "application/octet-stream",
- "payload": "string",
- "md5": "string",
- "uri": "string",
- "extra_headers": { }
Response samples
- 201
- 422
{- "seqid": 0
Download field binary field (by slug)
Authorization roles
Authenticated user needs to fulfill one of this roles, otherwise the request will be rejected with a 403
path Parameters
kbid required | string (Kbid) |
rslug required | string (Rslug) |
field_id required | string (Field Id) |
query Parameters
inline | boolean (Inline) Default: false |
Response samples
- 200
- 422
Upload binary file on a Resource (by slug)
Upload a file as a field on an existing resource, if the field exists will return a conflict (419)
Authorization roles
Authenticated user needs to fulfill one of this roles, otherwise the request will be rejected with a 403
path Parameters
kbid required | string (Kbid) |
rslug required | string (Rslug) |
field required | string (Field) ^[a-zA-Z0-9:_-]+$ |
header Parameters
Array of X-Filename (strings) or X-Filename (null) (X-Filename) | |
Array of X-Password (strings) or X-Password (null) (X-Password) | |
Array of X-Language (strings) or X-Language (null) (X-Language) | |
Array of X-Md5 (strings) or X-Md5 (null) (X-Md5) |
Response samples
- 201
- 422
{- "seqid": 0,
- "uuid": "string",
- "field_id": "string"
Add resource link field (by slug)
Authorization roles
Authenticated user needs to fulfill one of this roles, otherwise the request will be rejected with a 403
path Parameters
kbid required | string (Kbid) |
rslug required | string (Rslug) |
field_id required | string (Field Id) ^[a-zA-Z0-9:_-]+$ |
Request Body schema: application/jsonrequired
Headers (object) or Headers (null) (Headers) Default: {} | |
Cookies (object) or Cookies (null) (Cookies) Default: {} | |
uri required | string (Uri) |
Language (string) or Language (null) (Language) | |
Localstorage (object) or Localstorage (null) (Localstorage) Default: {} | |
Css Selector (string) or Css Selector (null) (Css Selector) | |
Xpath (string) or Xpath (null) (Xpath) |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "headers": { },
- "cookies": { },
- "uri": "string",
- "language": "string",
- "localstorage": { },
- "css_selector": "string",
- "xpath": "string"
Response samples
- 201
- 422
{- "seqid": 0
Add resource text field (by slug)
Authorization roles
Authenticated user needs to fulfill one of this roles, otherwise the request will be rejected with a 403
path Parameters
kbid required | string (Kbid) |
rslug required | string (Rslug) |
field_id required | string (Field Id) ^[a-zA-Z0-9:_-]+$ |
Request Body schema: application/jsonrequired
body required | string (Body) <= 2097152 characters The text body. The format of the text should be specified in the format field. The sum of all text fields in the request may not exceed 2MB. If you need to store more text, consider using a file field instead or splitting into multiple requests for each text field. |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "body": "string",
- "format": "PLAIN"
Response samples
- 201
- 422
{- "seqid": 0
Get Resource field (by slug)
Authorization roles
Authenticated user needs to fulfill one of this roles, otherwise the request will be rejected with a 403
path Parameters
kbid required | string (Kbid) |
rslug required | string (Rslug) |
field_type required | string (FieldTypeName) Enum: "text" "file" "link" "conversation" "generic" This map assumes that both values and extracted data field containers use the same names for its fields. See models.ResourceFieldValues and models.ResourceFieldExtractedData |
field_id required | string (Field Id) |
query Parameters
show | Array of strings (Show) Default: "value" Items Enum: "value" "extracted" "error" |
extracted | Array of strings (Extracted) Default: "text&extracted=metadata&extracted=link&extracted=file" Items Enum: "text" "metadata" "shortened_metadata" "large_metadata" "vectors" "link" "file" "question_answers" |
Page (string) or Page (integer) (Page) Default: "last" |
Response samples
- 200
- 422
{- "field_type": "text",
- "field_id": "string",
- "value": null,
- "extracted": {
- "text": {
- "text": "string",
- "split_text": {
- "property1": "string",
- "property2": "string"
}, - "deleted_splits": [
- "string"
}, - "metadata": {
- "metadata": {
- "links": [
- "string"
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- {
- "start": 0,
- "end": 0,
- "start_seconds": [
- 0
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- 0
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- "classifications": [
- {
- "labelset": "string",
- "label": "string"
], - "sentences": [
- {
- "start": 0,
- "end": 0,
- "key": "string"
], - "key": "string",
- "page": {
- "page": 0,
- "page_with_visual": true
}, - "representation": {
- "is_a_table": true,
- "reference_file": "string"
], - "ner": {
- "property1": "string",
- "property2": "string"
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- "property1": {
- "entities": [
- {
- "text": "string",
- "label": "string",
- "positions": [
- {
- "start": null,
- "end": null
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- "entities": [
- {
- "text": "string",
- "label": "string",
- "positions": [
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- "start": null,
- "end": null
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- {
- "labelset": "string",
- "label": "string"
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- "last_understanding": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "last_extract": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "last_summary": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "thumbnail": {
- "uri": "string",
- "size": 0,
- "content_type": "string",
- "filename": "string",
- "md5": "string"
}, - "language": "string",
- "summary": "string",
- "positions": {
- "property1": {
- "position": [
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- "start": 0,
- "end": 0
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- "start": 0,
- "end": 0
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- "metadata": {
- "paragraph_id": "string",
- "source_start": 0,
- "source_end": 0,
- "to_start": 0,
- "to_end": 0,
- "data_augmentation_task_id": "string"
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- "value": "string",
- "type": "entity",
- "group": "string"
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- "value": "string",
- "type": "entity",
- "group": "string"
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- "property1": {
- "links": [
- "string"
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- "end": 0,
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- "text": "string",
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- "label": "string",
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- "labelset": "string",
- "label": "string"
], - "last_index": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "last_understanding": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "last_extract": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "last_summary": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "thumbnail": {
- "uri": "string",
- "size": 0,
- "content_type": "string",
- "filename": "string",
- "md5": "string"
}, - "language": "string",
- "summary": "string",
- "positions": {
- "property1": {
- "position": [
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- "start": 0,
- "end": 0
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- "position": [
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- "start": 0,
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- {
- "relation": "ABOUT",
- "label": "string",
- "metadata": {
- "paragraph_id": "string",
- "source_start": 0,
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- "to_start": 0,
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- 0
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- "classifications": [
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], - "sentences": [
- {
- "start": 0,
- "end": 0,
- "key": "string"
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- "page": {
- "page": 0,
- "page_with_visual": true
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- "reference_file": "string"
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- "property1": "string",
- "property2": "string"
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- "text": "string",
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- "positions": [
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- "positions": [
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}, - "classifications": [
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- "labelset": "string",
- "label": "string"
], - "last_index": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "last_understanding": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "last_extract": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "last_summary": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "thumbnail": {
- "uri": "string",
- "size": 0,
- "content_type": "string",
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- "md5": "string"
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- "summary": "string",
- "positions": {
- "property1": {
- "position": [
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- "start": 0,
- "end": 0
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- "position": [
- {
- "start": 0,
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- "property1": {
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- "string"
}, - "vectors": {
- "vectors": {
- "vectors": [
- {
- "start": 0,
- "end": 0,
- "start_paragraph": 0,
- "end_paragraph": 0,
- "vector": [
- 0
}, - "split_vectors": {
- "property1": {
- "vectors": [
- {
- "start": 0,
- "end": 0,
- "start_paragraph": 0,
- "end_paragraph": 0,
- "vector": [
- 0
}, - "property2": {
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- {
- "start": 0,
- "end": 0,
- "start_paragraph": 0,
- "end_paragraph": 0,
- "vector": [
- 0
}, - "deleted_splits": [
- "string"
}, - "question_answers": {
- "question_answers": {
- "question_answer": [
- {
- "question": {
- "text": "string",
- "language": "string",
- "ids_paragraphs": [
- "string"
}, - "answers": [
- {
- "text": "string",
- "language": "string",
- "ids_paragraphs": [
- "string"
}, - "split_question_answers": {
- "property1": {
- "question_answer": [
- {
- "question": {
- "text": "string",
- "language": "string",
- "ids_paragraphs": [
- "string"
}, - "answers": [
- {
- "text": "string",
- "language": "string",
- "ids_paragraphs": [
- null
}, - "property2": {
- "question_answer": [
- {
- "question": {
- "text": "string",
- "language": "string",
- "ids_paragraphs": [
- "string"
}, - "answers": [
- {
- "text": "string",
- "language": "string",
- "ids_paragraphs": [
- null
}, - "deleted_splits": [
- "string"
}, - "error": {
- "body": "string",
- "code": 0
Delete Resource field (by slug)
Authorization roles
Authenticated user needs to fulfill one of this roles, otherwise the request will be rejected with a 403
path Parameters
kbid required | string (Kbid) |
rslug required | string (Rslug) |
field_type required | string (FieldTypeName) Enum: "text" "file" "link" "conversation" "generic" This map assumes that both values and extracted data field containers use the same names for its fields. See models.ResourceFieldValues and models.ResourceFieldExtractedData |
field_id required | string (Field Id) ^[a-zA-Z0-9:_-]+$ |
Response samples
- 422
{- "detail": [
- {
- "loc": [
- "string"
], - "msg": "string",
- "type": "string"
Download extracted binary file (by slug)
Authorization roles
Authenticated user needs to fulfill one of this roles, otherwise the request will be rejected with a 403
path Parameters
kbid required | string (Kbid) |
rslug required | string (Rslug) |
field_type required | string (FieldTypeName) Enum: "text" "file" "link" "conversation" "generic" This map assumes that both values and extracted data field containers use the same names for its fields. See models.ResourceFieldValues and models.ResourceFieldExtractedData |
field_id required | string (Field Id) |
download_field required | string (Download Field) |
Response samples
- 200
- 422
Endpoints for TUS Resumable File Uploads protocol. This endpoints are compliant with the TUS protocol. You're not suposed to uses this endpoints directly, but use a TUS client in your language.
We also support the Creation extension on top of the Core TUS protocol
See for more info.
Create new upload on a Resource (by id)
Authorization roles
Authenticated user needs to fulfill one of this roles, otherwise the request will be rejected with a 403
path Parameters
kbid required | string (Kbid) |
path_rid required | string (Path Rid) |
field required | string (Field) ^[a-zA-Z0-9:_-]+$ |
Request Body schema: application/json
Title (string) or Title (null) (Title) | |
Summary (string) or Summary (null) (Summary) | |
Slug (string) or Slug (null) (Slug) The slug is the user-defined id for the resource | |
Icon (string) or Icon (null) (Icon) The icon should be a media type string: | |
Thumbnail (string) or Thumbnail (null) (Thumbnail) | |
InputMetadata (object) or null | |
UserMetadata (object) or null | |
Array of Fieldmetadata (objects) or Fieldmetadata (null) (Fieldmetadata) | |
InputOrigin (object) or null | |
Extra (object) or null | |
Hidden (boolean) or Hidden (null) (Hidden) | |
object (Files) Default: {} Dictionary of file fields to be added to the resource. The keys correspond to the field id, and must comply with the regex: ^[a-zA-Z0-9:_-]+$ | |
object (Links) Default: {} Dictionary of link fields to be added to the resource. The keys correspond to the field id, and must comply with the regex: ^[a-zA-Z0-9:_-]+$ | |
object (Texts) Default: {} Dictionary of text fields to be added to the resource. The keys correspond to the field id, and must comply with the regex: ^[a-zA-Z0-9:_-]+$ | |
object (Conversations) Default: {} Dictionary of conversation fields to be added to the resource. The keys correspond to the field id, and must comply with the regex: ^[a-zA-Z0-9:_-]+$ | |
PushProcessingOptions (object) or null Default: {"ml_text":true} | |
ResourceSecurity (object) or Security (null) (Security) Security metadata for the resource. It can be used to have fine-grained control over who can access the resource. |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "title": "string",
- "summary": "string",
- "slug": "string",
- "icon": "string",
- "thumbnail": "string",
- "metadata": {
- "metadata": { },
- "language": "string",
- "languages": [
- "string"
}, - "usermetadata": {
- "classifications": [ ],
- "relations": [ ]
}, - "fieldmetadata": [
- {
- "token": [ ],
- "paragraphs": [ ],
- "selections": [ ],
- "question_answers": [ ],
- "field": {
- "field_type": "file",
- "field": "string"
], - "origin": {
- "source_id": "string",
- "url": "string",
- "created": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "modified": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "metadata": { },
- "tags": [ ],
- "collaborators": [ ],
- "filename": "string",
- "related": [ ],
- "path": "string"
}, - "extra": {
- "metadata": { }
}, - "hidden": true,
- "files": { },
- "links": { },
- "texts": { },
- "conversations": { },
- "processing_options": {
- "ml_text": true
}, - "security": {
- "access_groups": [ ]
Response samples
- 200
- 422
Upload information
Authorization roles
Authenticated user needs to fulfill one of this roles, otherwise the request will be rejected with a 403
path Parameters
kbid required | string (Kbid) |
path_rid required | string (Path Rid) |
field required | string (Field) ^[a-zA-Z0-9:_-]+$ |
upload_id required | string (Upload Id) |
Response samples
- 200
- 422
Upload data on a Resource (by id)
Authorization roles
Authenticated user needs to fulfill one of this roles, otherwise the request will be rejected with a 403
path Parameters
kbid required | string (Kbid) |
rid required | string (Rid) |
field required | string (Field) ^[a-zA-Z0-9:_-]+$ |
upload_id required | string (Upload Id) |
Response samples
- 200
- 422
Create new upload on a Resource (by slug)
Authorization roles
Authenticated user needs to fulfill one of this roles, otherwise the request will be rejected with a 403
path Parameters
kbid required | string (Kbid) |
rslug required | string (Rslug) |
field required | string (Field) ^[a-zA-Z0-9:_-]+$ |
Request Body schema: application/json
Title (string) or Title (null) (Title) | |
Summary (string) or Summary (null) (Summary) | |
Slug (string) or Slug (null) (Slug) The slug is the user-defined id for the resource | |
Icon (string) or Icon (null) (Icon) The icon should be a media type string: | |
Thumbnail (string) or Thumbnail (null) (Thumbnail) | |
InputMetadata (object) or null | |
UserMetadata (object) or null | |
Array of Fieldmetadata (objects) or Fieldmetadata (null) (Fieldmetadata) | |
InputOrigin (object) or null | |
Extra (object) or null | |
Hidden (boolean) or Hidden (null) (Hidden) | |
object (Files) Default: {} Dictionary of file fields to be added to the resource. The keys correspond to the field id, and must comply with the regex: ^[a-zA-Z0-9:_-]+$ | |
object (Links) Default: {} Dictionary of link fields to be added to the resource. The keys correspond to the field id, and must comply with the regex: ^[a-zA-Z0-9:_-]+$ | |
object (Texts) Default: {} Dictionary of text fields to be added to the resource. The keys correspond to the field id, and must comply with the regex: ^[a-zA-Z0-9:_-]+$ | |
object (Conversations) Default: {} Dictionary of conversation fields to be added to the resource. The keys correspond to the field id, and must comply with the regex: ^[a-zA-Z0-9:_-]+$ | |
PushProcessingOptions (object) or null Default: {"ml_text":true} | |
ResourceSecurity (object) or Security (null) (Security) Security metadata for the resource. It can be used to have fine-grained control over who can access the resource. |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "title": "string",
- "summary": "string",
- "slug": "string",
- "icon": "string",
- "thumbnail": "string",
- "metadata": {
- "metadata": { },
- "language": "string",
- "languages": [
- "string"
}, - "usermetadata": {
- "classifications": [ ],
- "relations": [ ]
}, - "fieldmetadata": [
- {
- "token": [ ],
- "paragraphs": [ ],
- "selections": [ ],
- "question_answers": [ ],
- "field": {
- "field_type": "file",
- "field": "string"
], - "origin": {
- "source_id": "string",
- "url": "string",
- "created": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "modified": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "metadata": { },
- "tags": [ ],
- "collaborators": [ ],
- "filename": "string",
- "related": [ ],
- "path": "string"
}, - "extra": {
- "metadata": { }
}, - "hidden": true,
- "files": { },
- "links": { },
- "texts": { },
- "conversations": { },
- "processing_options": {
- "ml_text": true
}, - "security": {
- "access_groups": [ ]
Response samples
- 200
- 422
Upload data on a Resource (by slug)
Authorization roles
Authenticated user needs to fulfill one of this roles, otherwise the request will be rejected with a 403
path Parameters
kbid required | string (Kbid) |
rslug required | string (Rslug) |
field required | string (Field) ^[a-zA-Z0-9:_-]+$ |
upload_id required | string (Upload Id) |
Response samples
- 200
- 422
Upload information
Authorization roles
Authenticated user needs to fulfill one of this roles, otherwise the request will be rejected with a 403
path Parameters
kbid required | string (Kbid) |
rslug required | string (Rslug) |
field required | string (Field) ^[a-zA-Z0-9:_-]+$ |
upload_id required | string (Upload Id) |
Response samples
- 200
- 422
NucliaDB Knowledge Box endpoints
Except for getting a Knowledge box or listing Knowledge boxes, the rest of operations may be not available in your NucliaDB instance. Creating and managing Knowledge Boxes directly from NucliaDB is available only on standalone usage. If you have a NucliaDB Cloud or a NucliaDB On-prem, you need to manage them from the global API.
Get Knowledge Box (by slug)
Authorization roles
Authenticated user needs to fulfill one of this roles, otherwise the request will be rejected with a 403
path Parameters
slug required | string (Slug) |
Response samples
- 200
- 422
{- "slug": "string",
- "uuid": "string",
- "config": {
- "slug": "string",
- "title": "string",
- "description": "string",
- "learning_configuration": { },
- "external_index_provider": {
- "type": "pinecone",
- "api_key": "string",
- "serverless_cloud": "aws_us_east_1"
}, - "configured_external_index_provider": { },
- "similarity": "cosine",
- "hidden_resources_enabled": false,
- "hidden_resources_hide_on_creation": false
}, - "model": {
- "similarity_function": "cosine",
- "vector_dimension": 0,
- "default_min_score": 0
Get Knowledge Box
Authorization roles
Authenticated user needs to fulfill one of this roles, otherwise the request will be rejected with a 403
path Parameters
kbid required | string (Kbid) |
Response samples
- 200
- 422
{- "slug": "string",
- "uuid": "string",
- "config": {
- "slug": "string",
- "title": "string",
- "description": "string",
- "learning_configuration": { },
- "external_index_provider": {
- "type": "pinecone",
- "api_key": "string",
- "serverless_cloud": "aws_us_east_1"
}, - "configured_external_index_provider": { },
- "similarity": "cosine",
- "hidden_resources_enabled": false,
- "hidden_resources_hide_on_creation": false
}, - "model": {
- "similarity_function": "cosine",
- "vector_dimension": 0,
- "default_min_score": 0
Knowledgebox Models Configuration
Current configuration of models assigned to a knowledgebox
path Parameters
kbid required | string (Kbid) |
Response samples
- 200
- 422
{- "semantic_model": "string",
- "anonymization_model": "string",
- "generative_model": "string",
- "ner_model": "string",
- "semantic_vector_similarity": "string",
- "semantic_vector_size": 0
Update Knowledge Box models configuration
Update current configuration of models assigned to a Knowledge Box
Authorization roles
Authenticated user needs to fulfill one of this roles, otherwise the request will be rejected with a 403
path Parameters
kbid required | string (Kbid) |
Response samples
- 422
{- "detail": [
- {
- "loc": [
- "string"
], - "msg": "string",
- "type": "string"
Create Knowledge Box models configuration
Create configuration of models assigned to a Knowledge Box
Authorization roles
Authenticated user needs to fulfill one of this roles, otherwise the request will be rejected with a 403
path Parameters
kbid required | string (Kbid) |
Response samples
- 422
{- "detail": [
- {
- "loc": [
- "string"
], - "msg": "string",
- "type": "string"
Knowledgebox Counters
Summary of amount of different things inside a knowledgebox
Authorization roles
Authenticated user needs to fulfill one of this roles, otherwise the request will be rejected with a 403
path Parameters
kbid required | string (Kbid) |
query Parameters
debug | boolean (Debug mode) Default: false If set, the response will include some extra metadata for debugging purposes, like the list of queried nodes. |
Response samples
- 200
- 422
{- "resources": 0,
- "paragraphs": 0,
- "fields": 0,
- "sentences": 0,
- "shards": [
- "string"
], - "index_size": 0
Start an export of a Knowledge Box
Authorization roles
Authenticated user needs to fulfill one of this roles, otherwise the request will be rejected with a 403
path Parameters
kbid required | string (Kbid) |
Response samples
- 200
- 422
{- "export_id": "string"
Download a Knowledge Box export
Authorization roles
Authenticated user needs to fulfill one of this roles, otherwise the request will be rejected with a 403
path Parameters
kbid required | string (Kbid) |
export_id required | string (Export Id) |
Response samples
- 422
{- "detail": [
- {
- "loc": [
- "string"
], - "msg": "string",
- "type": "string"
Get the status of a Knowledge Box Export
Authorization roles
Authenticated user needs to fulfill one of this roles, otherwise the request will be rejected with a 403
path Parameters
kbid required | string (Kbid) |
export_id required | string (Export Id) |
Response samples
- 200
- 422
{- "status": "scheduled",
- "total": 0,
- "processed": 0,
- "retries": 0
Start an import to a Knowledge Box
Authorization roles
Authenticated user needs to fulfill one of this roles, otherwise the request will be rejected with a 403
path Parameters
kbid required | string (Kbid) |
Response samples
- 200
- 422
{- "import_id": "string"
Get the status of a Knowledge Box Import
Authorization roles
Authenticated user needs to fulfill one of this roles, otherwise the request will be rejected with a 403
path Parameters
kbid required | string (Kbid) |
import_id required | string (Import Id) |
Response samples
- 200
- 422
{- "status": "scheduled",
- "total": 0,
- "processed": 0,
- "retries": 0
Upload binary file on a Knowledge Box
Upload a file onto a Knowledge Box, field id will be file and rid will be autogenerated.
Authorization roles
Authenticated user needs to fulfill one of this roles, otherwise the request will be rejected with a 403
path Parameters
kbid required | string (Kbid) |
header Parameters
Array of X-Filename (strings) or X-Filename (null) (X-Filename) | |
Array of X-Password (strings) or X-Password (null) (X-Password) | |
Array of X-Language (strings) or X-Language (null) (X-Language) | |
Array of X-Md5 (strings) or X-Md5 (null) (X-Md5) |
Response samples
- 201
- 422
{- "seqid": 0,
- "uuid": "string",
- "field_id": "string"
Endpoints for TUS Resumable File Uploads protocol. This endpoints are compliant with the TUS protocol. It is usually preferable to use them through a TUS client library in your language.
We also support the Creation extension on top of the Core TUS protocol
See for more info.
Create new upload on a Knowledge Box
Authorization roles
Authenticated user needs to fulfill one of this roles, otherwise the request will be rejected with a 403
path Parameters
kbid required | string (Kbid) |
Request Body schema: application/json
Title (string) or Title (null) (Title) | |
Summary (string) or Summary (null) (Summary) | |
Slug (string) or Slug (null) (Slug) The slug is the user-defined id for the resource | |
Icon (string) or Icon (null) (Icon) The icon should be a media type string: | |
Thumbnail (string) or Thumbnail (null) (Thumbnail) | |
InputMetadata (object) or null | |
UserMetadata (object) or null | |
Array of Fieldmetadata (objects) or Fieldmetadata (null) (Fieldmetadata) | |
InputOrigin (object) or null | |
Extra (object) or null | |
Hidden (boolean) or Hidden (null) (Hidden) | |
object (Files) Default: {} Dictionary of file fields to be added to the resource. The keys correspond to the field id, and must comply with the regex: ^[a-zA-Z0-9:_-]+$ | |
object (Links) Default: {} Dictionary of link fields to be added to the resource. The keys correspond to the field id, and must comply with the regex: ^[a-zA-Z0-9:_-]+$ | |
object (Texts) Default: {} Dictionary of text fields to be added to the resource. The keys correspond to the field id, and must comply with the regex: ^[a-zA-Z0-9:_-]+$ | |
object (Conversations) Default: {} Dictionary of conversation fields to be added to the resource. The keys correspond to the field id, and must comply with the regex: ^[a-zA-Z0-9:_-]+$ | |
PushProcessingOptions (object) or null Default: {"ml_text":true} | |
ResourceSecurity (object) or Security (null) (Security) Security metadata for the resource. It can be used to have fine-grained control over who can access the resource. |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "title": "string",
- "summary": "string",
- "slug": "string",
- "icon": "string",
- "thumbnail": "string",
- "metadata": {
- "metadata": { },
- "language": "string",
- "languages": [
- "string"
}, - "usermetadata": {
- "classifications": [ ],
- "relations": [ ]
}, - "fieldmetadata": [
- {
- "token": [ ],
- "paragraphs": [ ],
- "selections": [ ],
- "question_answers": [ ],
- "field": {
- "field_type": "file",
- "field": "string"
], - "origin": {
- "source_id": "string",
- "url": "string",
- "created": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "modified": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "metadata": { },
- "tags": [ ],
- "collaborators": [ ],
- "filename": "string",
- "related": [ ],
- "path": "string"
}, - "extra": {
- "metadata": { }
}, - "hidden": true,
- "files": { },
- "links": { },
- "texts": { },
- "conversations": { },
- "processing_options": {
- "ml_text": true
}, - "security": {
- "access_groups": [ ]
Response samples
- 200
- 422
TUS Server information
path Parameters
kbid required | string (Kbid) |
query Parameters
Rid (string) or Rid (null) (Rid) | |
Rslug (string) or Rslug (null) (Rslug) | |
Upload Id (string) or Upload Id (null) (Upload Id) | |
Field (string) or Field (null) (Field) |
Response samples
- 200
- 422
Upload data on a Knowledge Box
Authorization roles
Authenticated user needs to fulfill one of this roles, otherwise the request will be rejected with a 403
path Parameters
kbid required | string (Kbid) |
upload_id required | string (Upload Id) |
Response samples
- 200
- 422
Upload information
Authorization roles
Authenticated user needs to fulfill one of this roles, otherwise the request will be rejected with a 403
path Parameters
kbid required | string (Kbid) |
upload_id required | string (Upload Id) |
Response samples
- 200
- 422
Get Knowledge Box Custom Synonyms
Authorization roles
Authenticated user needs to fulfill one of this roles, otherwise the request will be rejected with a 403
path Parameters
kbid required | string (Kbid) |
Response samples
- 200
- 422
{- "synonyms": {
- "property1": [
- "string"
], - "property2": [
- "string"
Set Knowledge Box Custom Synonyms
Authorization roles
Authenticated user needs to fulfill one of this roles, otherwise the request will be rejected with a 403
path Parameters
kbid required | string (Kbid) |
Request Body schema: application/jsonrequired
required | object (Synonyms) | ||
Request samples
- Payload
{- "synonyms": {
- "property1": [
- "string"
], - "property2": [
- "string"
Response samples
- 422
{- "detail": [
- {
- "loc": [
- "string"
], - "msg": "string",
- "type": "string"
Delete Knowledge Box Custom Synonyms
Authorization roles
Authenticated user needs to fulfill one of this roles, otherwise the request will be rejected with a 403
path Parameters
kbid required | string (Kbid) |
Response samples
- 422
{- "detail": [
- {
- "loc": [
- "string"
], - "msg": "string",
- "type": "string"
Get a Knowledge Box Entities Group
Authorization roles
Authenticated user needs to fulfill one of this roles, otherwise the request will be rejected with a 403
path Parameters
kbid required | string (Kbid) |
group required | string (Group) |
Response samples
- 200
- 422
{- "title": "string",
- "color": "string",
- "custom": false,
- "entities": { }
Update Knowledge Box Entities Group
Authorization roles
Authenticated user needs to fulfill one of this roles, otherwise the request will be rejected with a 403
path Parameters
kbid required | string (Kbid) |
group required | string (Group) |
Request Body schema: application/jsonrequired
Title (string) or Title (null) (Title) | |
Color (string) or Color (null) (Color) | |
object (Add) Default: {} | |
object (Update) Default: {} | |
delete | Array of strings (Delete) Default: [] |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "title": "string",
- "color": "string",
- "add": { },
- "update": { },
- "delete": [ ]
Response samples
- 200
- 422
Delete Knowledge Box Entities
Authorization roles
Authenticated user needs to fulfill one of this roles, otherwise the request will be rejected with a 403
path Parameters
kbid required | string (Kbid) |
group required | string (Group) |
Response samples
- 200
- 422
Get Knowledge Box Entities
Authorization roles
Authenticated user needs to fulfill one of this roles, otherwise the request will be rejected with a 403
path Parameters
kbid required | string (Kbid) |
query Parameters
show_entities | boolean (Show Entities) Default: false |
Response samples
- 200
- 422
{- "uuid": "string",
- "groups": { }
Create Knowledge Box Entities Group
Authorization roles
Authenticated user needs to fulfill one of this roles, otherwise the request will be rejected with a 403
path Parameters
kbid required | string (Kbid) |
Request Body schema: application/jsonrequired
group required | string (Group) |
object (Entities) Default: {} | |
Title (string) or Title (null) (Title) | |
Color (string) or Color (null) (Color) |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "group": "string",
- "entities": { },
- "title": "string",
- "color": "string"
Response samples
- 200
- 422
Get a Knowledge Box Label Set
Authorization roles
Authenticated user needs to fulfill one of this roles, otherwise the request will be rejected with a 403
path Parameters
kbid required | string (Kbid) |
labelset required | string (Labelset) |
Response samples
- 200
- 422
{- "title": "no title",
- "color": "blue",
- "multiple": true,
- "kind": [ ],
- "labels": [ ]
Set Knowledge Box Labels
Authorization roles
Authenticated user needs to fulfill one of this roles, otherwise the request will be rejected with a 403
path Parameters
kbid required | string (Kbid) |
labelset required | string (Labelset) |
Request Body schema: application/jsonrequired
Title (string) or Title (null) (Title) Default: "no title" | |
Color (string) or Color (null) (Color) Default: "blue" | |
multiple | boolean (Multiple) Default: true |
kind | Array of strings (Kind) Default: [] Items Enum: "RESOURCES" "PARAGRAPHS" "SENTENCES" "SELECTIONS" |
Array of objects (Labels) Default: [] |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "title": "no title",
- "color": "blue",
- "multiple": true,
- "kind": [ ],
- "labels": [ ]
Response samples
- 200
- 422
Delete Knowledge Box Label
Authorization roles
Authenticated user needs to fulfill one of this roles, otherwise the request will be rejected with a 403
path Parameters
kbid required | string (Kbid) |
labelset required | string (Labelset) |
Response samples
- 200
- 422
Get Knowledge Box Label Sets
Authorization roles
Authenticated user needs to fulfill one of this roles, otherwise the request will be rejected with a 403
path Parameters
kbid required | string (Kbid) |
Response samples
- 200
- 422
{- "uuid": "string",
- "labelsets": { }
Knowledge Box Notifications Stream
Provides a stream of activity notifications for the given Knowledge Box. The stream will be automatically closed after 2 minutes.
Authorization roles
Authenticated user needs to fulfill one of this roles, otherwise the request will be rejected with a 403
path Parameters
kbid required | string (Kbid) |
Response samples
- 200
- 422
Knowledge Box Processing Status
Provides the status of the processing of the given Knowledge Box.
Authorization roles
Authenticated user needs to fulfill one of this roles, otherwise the request will be rejected with a 403
path Parameters
kbid required | string (Kbid) |
query Parameters
Cursor (string) or Cursor (null) (Cursor) | |
Scheduled (boolean) or Scheduled (null) (Scheduled) | |
limit | integer (Limit) Default: 20 |
Response samples
- 200
- 422
{- "results": [ ],
- "cursor": "string"
Get model metadata
Get metadata for a particular model
Authorization roles
Authenticated user needs to fulfill one of this roles, otherwise the request will be rejected with a 403
path Parameters
kbid required | string (Kbid) |
model_id required | string (Model Id) |
Response samples
- 200
- 422
Download the Knowledege Box model
Download the trained model or any other generated file as a result of a training task on a Knowledge Box.
Authorization roles
Authenticated user needs to fulfill one of this roles, otherwise the request will be rejected with a 403
path Parameters
kbid required | string (Kbid) |
model_id required | string (Model Id) |
filename required | string (Filename) |
Response samples
- 200
- 422
Learning configuration schema
Get jsonschema definition to update the learning_configuration
of your Knowledge Box
Authorization roles
Authenticated user needs to fulfill one of this roles, otherwise the request will be rejected with a 403
path Parameters
kbid required | string (Kbid) |
Response samples
- 200
- 422
Ask Knowledge Box
Ask questions on a Knowledge Box
Authorization roles
Authenticated user needs to fulfill one of this roles, otherwise the request will be rejected with a 403
path Parameters
kbid required | string (Kbid) |
header Parameters
x-ndb-client | string (NucliaDBClientType) Enum: "api" "widget" "web" "dashboard" "desktop" "chrome_extension" |
x-nucliadb-user | string (X-Nucliadb-User) Default: |
x-forwarded-for | string (X-Forwarded-For) Default: |
x-synchronous | boolean (X-Synchronous) Default: false When set to true, outputs response as JSON in a non-streaming way. This is slower and requires waiting for entire answer to be ready. |
Request Body schema: application/jsonrequired
Audit metadata (object) or Audit metadata (null) (Audit metadata) A dictionary containing optional audit-specific metadata, such as user_id, environment, or other contextual information. This metadata can be leveraged for filtering and analyzing activity logs in future operations. Each key-value pair represents a piece of metadata relevant to the user's request. | |
query required | string (Query) <= 20000 characters The query to get a generative answer for |
top_k | integer (Top k) [ 1 .. 200 ] Default: 20 The top most relevant results to fetch at the retrieval step. The maximum number of results allowed is 200. |
fields | Array of strings (Fields) Default: [] The list of fields to search in. For instance: |
Array of Filters (strings) or Array of Filters (objects) (Filters) Default: [] The list of filters to apply. Filtering examples can be found here: | |
Array of Keyword filters (strings) or Array of Keyword filters (objects) (Keyword filters) Default: [] List of keyword filter expressions to apply to the retrieval step. The text block search will only be performed on the documents that contain the specified keywords. The filters are case-insensitive, and only alphanumeric characters and spaces are allowed. Filtering examples can be found here: | |
Vectorset (string) or Vectorset (null) (Vectorset) Vectors index to perform the search in. If not provided, NucliaDB will use the default one | |
Minimum score (number) or MinScore (object) or Minimum score (null) (Minimum score) Minimum score to filter search results. Results with a lower score will be ignored. Accepts either a float or a dictionary with the minimum scores for the bm25 and vector indexes. If a float is provided, it is interpreted as the minimum score for vector index search. | |
features | Array of strings (Chat features) Default: ["semantic","keyword"] Items Enum: "keyword" "relations" "semantic" Features enabled for the chat endpoint. Semantic search is done if |
Resource creation range start (string) or Resource creation range start (null) (Resource creation range start) Resources created before this date will be filtered out of search results. Datetime are represented as a str in ISO 8601 format, like: 2008-09-15T15:53:00+05:00. | |
Resource creation range end (string) or Resource creation range end (null) (Resource creation range end) Resources created after this date will be filtered out of search results. Datetime are represented as a str in ISO 8601 format, like: 2008-09-15T15:53:00+05:00. | |
Resource modification range start (string) or Resource modification range start (null) (Resource modification range start) Resources modified before this date will be filtered out of search results. Datetime are represented as a str in ISO 8601 format, like: 2008-09-15T15:53:00+05:00. | |
Resource modification range end (string) or Resource modification range end (null) (Resource modification range end) Resources modified after this date will be filtered out of search results. Datetime are represented as a str in ISO 8601 format, like: 2008-09-15T15:53:00+05:00. | |
show | Array of strings (Show metadata) Default: ["basic"] Items Enum: "basic" "origin" "extra" "relations" "values" "extracted" "errors" "security" Controls which types of metadata are serialized on resources of search results |
field_type_filter | Array of strings (Field type filter) Default: ["text","file","link","conversation","generic"] Items Enum: "text" "file" "link" "conversation" "generic" Define which field types are serialized on resources of search results |
extracted | Array of strings (Extracted metadata) Deprecated Default: [] Items Enum: "text" "metadata" "shortened_metadata" "large_metadata" "vectors" "link" "file" "question_answers" [Deprecated] Please use GET resource endpoint instead to get extracted metadata |
shards | Array of strings (Shards) Default: [] The list of shard replicas to search in. If empty, random replicas will be selected. |
Array of Chat history (objects) or Chat history (null) (Chat history) Use to rephrase the new LLM query by taking into account the chat conversation history | |
Array of Extra query context (strings) or Extra query context (null) (Extra query context) Additional context that is added to the retrieval context sent to the LLM. It allows extending the chat feature with content that may not be in the Knowledge Box. | |
autofilter | boolean (Automatic search filtering) Default: false If set to true, the search will automatically add filters to the query. For example, it will filter results containing the entities detected in the query |
highlight | boolean (Highlight) Default: false If set to true, the query terms will be highlighted in the results between ... tags |
resource_filters | Array of strings (Resources filter) Default: [] List of resource ids to filter search results for. Only paragraphs from the specified resources will be returned. |
Prompts (string) or CustomPrompt (object) or Prompts (null) (Prompts) Use to customize the prompts given to the generative model. Both system and user prompts can be customized. If a string is provided, it is interpreted as the user prompt. | |
RankFusionName (string) or Rank fusion (any) (Rank fusion) Default: "rrf" Rank fusion algorithm to use to merge results from multiple retrievers (keyword, semantic) | |
RerankerName (string) or Reranker (any) (Reranker) Default: "multi_match_booster" Reranker let you specify which method you want to use to rerank your results at the end of retrieval DEPRECATION! multi_match_booster will be deprecated and predict will be the new default | |
citations | boolean (Citations) Default: false Whether to include the citations for the answer in the response |
Citation Threshold (number) or Citation Threshold (null) (Citation Threshold) If citations is True, this sets the similarity threshold (0 to 1) for paragraphs to be included as citations. Lower values result in more citations. If not provided, Nuclia's default threshold is used. | |
RequestSecurity (object) or Security (null) (Security) Security metadata for the request. If not provided, the search request is done without the security lookup phase. | |
show_hidden | boolean (Show hidden resources) Default: false If set to false (default), excludes hidden resources from search |
Array of any (RAG context building strategies) Default: [] Options for tweaking how the context for the LLM model is crafted:
If empty, the default strategy is used, which simply adds the text of the matching paragraphs to the context. | |
Array of any (RAG image context building strategies) Default: [] Options for tweaking how the image based context for the LLM model is crafted:
| |
debug | boolean (Debug mode) Default: false If set, the response will include some extra metadata for debugging purposes, like the list of queried nodes. |
Generative model (string) or Generative model (null) (Generative model) The generative model to use for the chat endpoint. If not provided, the model configured for the Knowledge Box is used. | |
Maximum LLM tokens to use for the request (integer) or MaxTokens (object) or Maximum LLM tokens to use for the request (null) (Maximum LLM tokens to use for the request) Use to limit the amount of tokens used in the LLM context and/or for generating the answer. If not provided, the default maximum tokens of the generative model will be used. If an integer is provided, it is interpreted as the maximum tokens for the answer. | |
rephrase | boolean (Rephrase) Default: false Rephrase the query for a more efficient retrieval. This will consume LLM tokens and make the request slower. |
prefer_markdown | boolean (Prefer markdown) Default: false If set to true, the response will be in markdown format |
Answer JSON schema (object) or Answer JSON schema (null) (Answer JSON schema) Desired JSON schema for the LLM answer.
This schema is passed to the LLM so that it answers in a scructured format following the schema. If not provided, textual response is returned.
Note that when using this parameter, the answer in the generative response will not be returned in chunks, the whole response text will be returned instead.
Using this feature also disables the |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "audit_metadata": {
- "environment": "test",
- "user": "my-user-123"
}, - "query": "string",
- "top_k": 20,
- "fields": [ ],
- "filters": [ ],
- "keyword_filters": [
- "NLP",
- "BERT"
], - "vectorset": "string",
- "min_score": 0,
- "features": [
- "semantic",
- "keyword"
], - "range_creation_start": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "range_creation_end": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "range_modification_start": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "range_modification_end": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "show": [
- "basic"
], - "field_type_filter": [
- "text",
- "file",
- "link",
- "conversation",
- "generic"
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List resources of a Knowledge Box
List resources of a Knowledge Box
Authorization roles
Authenticated user needs to fulfill one of this roles, otherwise the request will be rejected with a 403
path Parameters
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query Parameters
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Resource creation range end (string) or Resource creation range end (null) (Resource creation range end) Resources created after this date will be filtered out of search results. Datetime are represented as a str in ISO 8601 format, like: 2008-09-15T15:53:00+05:00. | |
Resource modification range start (string) or Resource modification range start (null) (Resource modification range start) Resources modified before this date will be filtered out of search results. Datetime are represented as a str in ISO 8601 format, like: 2008-09-15T15:53:00+05:00. | |
Resource modification range end (string) or Resource modification range end (null) (Resource modification range end) Resources modified after this date will be filtered out of search results. Datetime are represented as a str in ISO 8601 format, like: 2008-09-15T15:53:00+05:00. | |
Filter resources by hidden (boolean) or Filter resources by hidden (null) (Filter resources by hidden) Set to filter only hidden or only non-hidden resources. Default is to return everything |
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List resources of a Knowledge Box
List resources of a Knowledge Box
Authorization roles
Authenticated user needs to fulfill one of this roles, otherwise the request will be rejected with a 403
path Parameters
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Request Body schema: application/jsonrequired
query | string (Query) <= 20000 characters Default: "" The query to search for |
Array of Filters (strings) or Array of Filters (objects) (Filters) Default: [] The list of filters to apply. Filtering examples can be found here: | |
faceted | Array of strings (Faceted) <= 50 items Default: [] The list of facets to calculate. The facets follow the same syntax as filters: |
SortOptions (object) or Sort options (null) (Sort options) Options for results sorting | |
page_number | integer (Page number) Default: 0 The page number of the results to return |
page_size | integer (Page size) <= 200 Default: 20 The number of results to return per page. The maximum number of results per page allowed is 200. |
shards | Array of strings (Shards) Deprecated Default: [] The list of shard replicas to search in. If empty, random replicas will be selected. |
ResourceProcessingStatus (string) or With processing status (null) (With processing status) Deprecated Filter results by resource processing status | |
Resource creation range start (string) or Resource creation range start (null) (Resource creation range start) Resources created before this date will be filtered out of search results. Datetime are represented as a str in ISO 8601 format, like: 2008-09-15T15:53:00+05:00. | |
Resource creation range end (string) or Resource creation range end (null) (Resource creation range end) Resources created after this date will be filtered out of search results. Datetime are represented as a str in ISO 8601 format, like: 2008-09-15T15:53:00+05:00. | |
Resource modification range start (string) or Resource modification range start (null) (Resource modification range start) Resources modified before this date will be filtered out of search results. Datetime are represented as a str in ISO 8601 format, like: 2008-09-15T15:53:00+05:00. | |
Resource modification range end (string) or Resource modification range end (null) (Resource modification range end) Resources modified after this date will be filtered out of search results. Datetime are represented as a str in ISO 8601 format, like: 2008-09-15T15:53:00+05:00. | |
Filter resources by hidden (boolean) or Filter resources by hidden (null) (Filter resources by hidden) Set to filter only hidden or only non-hidden resources. Default is to return everything |
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Send Feedback
Send feedback for a search operation in a Knowledge Box
Authorization roles
Authenticated user needs to fulfill one of this roles, otherwise the request will be rejected with a 403
path Parameters
kbid required | string (Kbid) |
header Parameters
x-ndb-client | string (NucliaDBClientType) Enum: "api" "widget" "web" "dashboard" "desktop" "chrome_extension" |
x-nucliadb-user | string (X-Nucliadb-User) Default: |
x-forwarded-for | string (X-Forwarded-For) Default: |
Request Body schema: application/jsonrequired
ident required | string (Request identifier) Id of the request to provide feedback for. This id is returned in the response header |
good required | boolean (Good) Whether the result was good or not |
task required | string (FeedbackTasks) Value: "CHAT" |
Feedback (string) or Feedback (null) (Feedback) Feedback text | |
Text block (string) or Text block (null) (Text block) Text block id |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "ident": "string",
- "good": true,
- "task": "CHAT",
- "feedback": "string",
- "text_block_id": "string"
Response samples
- 200
- 422
Find Knowledge Box
Find on a Knowledge Box
Authorization roles
Authenticated user needs to fulfill one of this roles, otherwise the request will be rejected with a 403
path Parameters
kbid required | string (Kbid) |
query Parameters
query | string (Query) <= 20000 characters Default: "" The query to search for |
fields | Array of strings (Fields) Default: "" The list of fields to search in. For instance: |
filters | Array of strings (Filters) Default: "" The list of filters to apply. Filtering examples can be found here: |
Top k (integer) or Top k (null) (Top k) Default: 20 The number of results search should return. The maximum number of results allowed is 200. | |
Min Score (number) or Min Score (null) (Min Score) Deprecated Minimum similarity score to filter vector index results. If not specified, the default minimum score of the semantic model associated to the Knowledge Box will be used. Check out the documentation for more information on how to use this parameter: | |
Min Score Semantic (number) or Min Score Semantic (null) (Min Score Semantic) Minimum semantic similarity score to filter vector index results. If not specified, the default minimum score of the semantic model associated to the Knowledge Box will be used. Check out the documentation for more information on how to use this parameter: | |
min_score_bm25 | number (Min Score Bm25) >= 0 Default: 0 Minimum bm25 score to filter paragraph and document index results |
Vectorset (string) or Vectorset (null) (Vectorset) Vectors index to perform the search in. If not provided, NucliaDB will use the default one | |
Resource creation range start (string) or Resource creation range start (null) (Resource creation range start) Resources created before this date will be filtered out of search results. Datetime are represented as a str in ISO 8601 format, like: 2008-09-15T15:53:00+05:00. | |
Resource creation range end (string) or Resource creation range end (null) (Resource creation range end) Resources created after this date will be filtered out of search results. Datetime are represented as a str in ISO 8601 format, like: 2008-09-15T15:53:00+05:00. | |
Resource modification range start (string) or Resource modification range start (null) (Resource modification range start) Resources modified before this date will be filtered out of search results. Datetime are represented as a str in ISO 8601 format, like: 2008-09-15T15:53:00+05:00. | |
Resource modification range end (string) or Resource modification range end (null) (Resource modification range end) Resources modified after this date will be filtered out of search results. Datetime are represented as a str in ISO 8601 format, like: 2008-09-15T15:53:00+05:00. | |
features | Array of strings (Search features) Default: "keyword&features=semantic" Items Enum: "fulltext" "keyword" "relations" "semantic" List of search features to use. Each value corresponds to a lookup into on of the different indexes |
debug | boolean (Debug mode) Default: false If set, the response will include some extra metadata for debugging purposes, like the list of queried nodes. |
highlight | boolean (Highlight) Default: false If set to true, the query terms will be highlighted in the results between ... tags |
show | Array of strings (Show metadata) Default: "basic" Items Enum: "basic" "origin" "extra" "relations" "values" "extracted" "errors" "security" Controls which types of metadata are serialized on resources of search results |
field_type | Array of strings (Field type filter) Default: "text&field_type=file&field_type=link&field_type=conversation&field_type=generic" Items Enum: "text" "file" "link" "conversation" "generic" Define which field types are serialized on resources of search results |
extracted | Array of strings (Extracted metadata) Default: "" Items Enum: "text" "metadata" "shortened_metadata" "large_metadata" "vectors" "link" "file" "question_answers" [Deprecated] Please use GET resource endpoint instead to get extracted metadata |
with_duplicates | boolean (With duplicate paragraphs) Default: false Whether to return duplicate paragraphs on the same document |
with_synonyms | boolean (With custom synonyms) Default: false Whether to return matches for custom knowledge box synonyms of the query terms. Note: only supported for |
autofilter | boolean (Automatic search filtering) Default: false If set to true, the search will automatically add filters to the query. For example, it will filter results containing the entities detected in the query |
security_groups | Array of strings (Security groups) Default: "" List of security groups to filter search results for. Only resources matching the query and containing the specified security groups will be returned. If empty, all resources will be considered for the search. |
show_hidden | boolean (Show hidden resources) Default: false If set to false (default), excludes hidden resources from search |
rank_fusion | string (RankFusionName) Value: "rrf" Rank fusion algorithm to use to merge results from multiple retrievers (keyword, semantic) |
RerankerName (string) or Reranker (any) (Reranker) Default: "multi_match_booster" Reranker let you specify which method you want to use to rerank your results at the end of retrieval DEPRECATION! multi_match_booster will be deprecated and predict will be the new default |
header Parameters
x-ndb-client | string (NucliaDBClientType) Enum: "api" "widget" "web" "dashboard" "desktop" "chrome_extension" |
x-nucliadb-user | string (X-Nucliadb-User) Default: |
x-forwarded-for | string (X-Forwarded-For) Default: |
Response samples
- 200
- 422
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Find Knowledge Box
Find on a Knowledge Box
Authorization roles
Authenticated user needs to fulfill one of this roles, otherwise the request will be rejected with a 403
path Parameters
kbid required | string (Kbid) |
header Parameters
x-ndb-client | string (NucliaDBClientType) Enum: "api" "widget" "web" "dashboard" "desktop" "chrome_extension" |
x-nucliadb-user | string (X-Nucliadb-User) Default: |
x-forwarded-for | string (X-Forwarded-For) Default: |
Request Body schema: application/jsonrequired
Audit metadata (object) or Audit metadata (null) (Audit metadata) A dictionary containing optional audit-specific metadata, such as user_id, environment, or other contextual information. This metadata can be leveraged for filtering and analyzing activity logs in future operations. Each key-value pair represents a piece of metadata relevant to the user's request. | |
query | string (Query) <= 20000 characters Default: "" The query to search for |
fields | Array of strings (Fields) Default: [] The list of fields to search in. For instance: |
Array of Filters (strings) or Array of Filters (objects) (Filters) Default: [] The list of filters to apply. Filtering examples can be found here: | |
top_k | integer (Top k) <= 200 Default: 20 The number of results search should return. The maximum number of results allowed is 200. |
Minimum score (number) or MinScore (object) or Minimum score (null) (Minimum score) Minimum score to filter search results. Results with a lower score will be ignored. Accepts either a float or a dictionary with the minimum scores for the bm25 and vector indexes. If a float is provided, it is interpreted as the minimum score for vector index search. | |
Resource creation range start (string) or Resource creation range start (null) (Resource creation range start) Resources created before this date will be filtered out of search results. Datetime are represented as a str in ISO 8601 format, like: 2008-09-15T15:53:00+05:00. | |
Resource creation range end (string) or Resource creation range end (null) (Resource creation range end) Resources created after this date will be filtered out of search results. Datetime are represented as a str in ISO 8601 format, like: 2008-09-15T15:53:00+05:00. | |
Resource modification range start (string) or Resource modification range start (null) (Resource modification range start) Resources modified before this date will be filtered out of search results. Datetime are represented as a str in ISO 8601 format, like: 2008-09-15T15:53:00+05:00. | |
Resource modification range end (string) or Resource modification range end (null) (Resource modification range end) Resources modified after this date will be filtered out of search results. Datetime are represented as a str in ISO 8601 format, like: 2008-09-15T15:53:00+05:00. | |
features | Array of strings (Search features) Default: ["keyword","semantic"] Items Enum: "fulltext" "keyword" "relations" "semantic" List of search features to use. Each value corresponds to a lookup into on of the different indexes |
debug | boolean (Debug mode) Default: false If set, the response will include some extra metadata for debugging purposes, like the list of queried nodes. |
highlight | boolean (Highlight) Default: false If set to true, the query terms will be highlighted in the results between ... tags |
show | Array of strings (Show metadata) Default: ["basic"] Items Enum: "basic" "origin" "extra" "relations" "values" "extracted" "errors" "security" Controls which types of metadata are serialized on resources of search results |
field_type_filter | Array of strings (Field type filter) Default: ["text","file","link","conversation","generic"] Items Enum: "text" "file" "link" "conversation" "generic" Define which field types are serialized on resources of search results |
extracted | Array of strings (Extracted metadata) Deprecated Default: [] Items Enum: "text" "metadata" "shortened_metadata" "large_metadata" "vectors" "link" "file" "question_answers" [Deprecated] Please use GET resource endpoint instead to get extracted metadata |
shards | Array of strings (Shards) Default: [] The list of shard replicas to search in. If empty, random replicas will be selected. |
Array of Search Vector (numbers) or Search Vector (null) (Search Vector) The vector to perform the search with. If not provided, NucliaDB will use Nuclia Predict API to create the vector off from the query. | |
Vectorset (string) or Vectorset (null) (Vectorset) Vectors index to perform the search in. If not provided, NucliaDB will use the default one | |
with_duplicates | boolean (With duplicate paragraphs) Default: false Whether to return duplicate paragraphs on the same document |
with_synonyms | boolean (With custom synonyms) Default: false Whether to return matches for custom knowledge box synonyms of the query terms. Note: only supported for |
autofilter | boolean (Automatic search filtering) Default: false If set to true, the search will automatically add filters to the query. For example, it will filter results containing the entities detected in the query |
resource_filters | Array of strings (Resources filter) Default: [] List of resource ids to filter search results for. Only paragraphs from the specified resources will be returned. |
RequestSecurity (object) or Security (null) (Security) Security metadata for the request. If not provided, the search request is done without the security lookup phase. | |
show_hidden | boolean (Show hidden resources) Default: false If set to false (default), excludes hidden resources from search |
rephrase | boolean (Rephrase) Default: false Rephrase the query for a more efficient retrieval. This will consume LLM tokens and make the request slower. |
Rephrase (string) or Rephrase (null) (Rephrase) Rephrase prompt given to the generative model responsible for rephrasing the query for a more effective retrieval step. This is only used if the | |
RankFusionName (string) or Rank fusion (any) (Rank fusion) Default: "rrf" Rank fusion algorithm to use to merge results from multiple retrievers (keyword, semantic) | |
RerankerName (string) or Reranker (any) (Reranker) Default: "multi_match_booster" Reranker let you specify which method you want to use to rerank your results at the end of retrieval DEPRECATION! multi_match_booster will be deprecated and predict will be the new default | |
Array of Keyword filters (strings) or Array of Keyword filters (objects) (Keyword filters) Default: [] List of keyword filter expressions to apply to the retrieval step. The text block search will only be performed on the documents that contain the specified keywords. The filters are case-insensitive, and only alphanumeric characters and spaces are allowed. Filtering examples can be found here: |
Request samples
- Payload
Perform a hybrid search that will return text and semantic results matching the query
{- "query": "How can I be an effective product manager?",
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- "semantic"
Response samples
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Predict API Proxy
Convenience endpoint that proxies requests to the Predict API. It adds the Knowledge Box configuration settings as headers to the predict API request. Refer to the Predict API documentation for more details about the request and response models:
Authorization roles
Authenticated user needs to fulfill one of this roles, otherwise the request will be rejected with a 403
path Parameters
kbid required | string (Kbid) |
endpoint required | string (PredictProxiedEndpoints) Enum: "tokens" "chat" "rephrase" Enum for the different endpoints that are proxied to the Predict API |
Response samples
- 200
- 422
Predict API Proxy
Convenience endpoint that proxies requests to the Predict API. It adds the Knowledge Box configuration settings as headers to the predict API request. Refer to the Predict API documentation for more details about the request and response models:
Authorization roles
Authenticated user needs to fulfill one of this roles, otherwise the request will be rejected with a 403
path Parameters
kbid required | string (Kbid) |
endpoint required | string (PredictProxiedEndpoints) Enum: "tokens" "chat" "rephrase" Enum for the different endpoints that are proxied to the Predict API |
Response samples
- 200
- 422
Ask a resource (by id)
Ask questions to a resource
Authorization roles
Authenticated user needs to fulfill one of this roles, otherwise the request will be rejected with a 403
path Parameters
kbid required | string (Kbid) |
rid required | string (Rid) |
header Parameters
x-ndb-client | string (NucliaDBClientType) Enum: "api" "widget" "web" "dashboard" "desktop" "chrome_extension" |
x-nucliadb-user | string (X-Nucliadb-User) Default: |
x-forwarded-for | string (X-Forwarded-For) Default: |
x-synchronous | boolean (X-Synchronous) Default: false When set to true, outputs response as JSON in a non-streaming way. This is slower and requires waiting for entire answer to be ready. |
Request Body schema: application/jsonrequired
Audit metadata (object) or Audit metadata (null) (Audit metadata) A dictionary containing optional audit-specific metadata, such as user_id, environment, or other contextual information. This metadata can be leveraged for filtering and analyzing activity logs in future operations. Each key-value pair represents a piece of metadata relevant to the user's request. | |
query required | string (Query) <= 20000 characters The query to get a generative answer for |
top_k | integer (Top k) [ 1 .. 200 ] Default: 20 The top most relevant results to fetch at the retrieval step. The maximum number of results allowed is 200. |
fields | Array of strings (Fields) Default: [] The list of fields to search in. For instance: |
Array of Filters (strings) or Array of Filters (objects) (Filters) Default: [] The list of filters to apply. Filtering examples can be found here: | |
Array of Keyword filters (strings) or Array of Keyword filters (objects) (Keyword filters) Default: [] List of keyword filter expressions to apply to the retrieval step. The text block search will only be performed on the documents that contain the specified keywords. The filters are case-insensitive, and only alphanumeric characters and spaces are allowed. Filtering examples can be found here: | |
Vectorset (string) or Vectorset (null) (Vectorset) Vectors index to perform the search in. If not provided, NucliaDB will use the default one | |
Minimum score (number) or MinScore (object) or Minimum score (null) (Minimum score) Minimum score to filter search results. Results with a lower score will be ignored. Accepts either a float or a dictionary with the minimum scores for the bm25 and vector indexes. If a float is provided, it is interpreted as the minimum score for vector index search. | |
features | Array of strings (Chat features) Default: ["semantic","keyword"] Items Enum: "keyword" "relations" "semantic" Features enabled for the chat endpoint. Semantic search is done if |
Resource creation range start (string) or Resource creation range start (null) (Resource creation range start) Resources created before this date will be filtered out of search results. Datetime are represented as a str in ISO 8601 format, like: 2008-09-15T15:53:00+05:00. | |
Resource creation range end (string) or Resource creation range end (null) (Resource creation range end) Resources created after this date will be filtered out of search results. Datetime are represented as a str in ISO 8601 format, like: 2008-09-15T15:53:00+05:00. | |
Resource modification range start (string) or Resource modification range start (null) (Resource modification range start) Resources modified before this date will be filtered out of search results. Datetime are represented as a str in ISO 8601 format, like: 2008-09-15T15:53:00+05:00. | |
Resource modification range end (string) or Resource modification range end (null) (Resource modification range end) Resources modified after this date will be filtered out of search results. Datetime are represented as a str in ISO 8601 format, like: 2008-09-15T15:53:00+05:00. | |
show | Array of strings (Show metadata) Default: ["basic"] Items Enum: "basic" "origin" "extra" "relations" "values" "extracted" "errors" "security" Controls which types of metadata are serialized on resources of search results |
field_type_filter | Array of strings (Field type filter) Default: ["text","file","link","conversation","generic"] Items Enum: "text" "file" "link" "conversation" "generic" Define which field types are serialized on resources of search results |
extracted | Array of strings (Extracted metadata) Deprecated Default: [] Items Enum: "text" "metadata" "shortened_metadata" "large_metadata" "vectors" "link" "file" "question_answers" [Deprecated] Please use GET resource endpoint instead to get extracted metadata |
shards | Array of strings (Shards) Default: [] The list of shard replicas to search in. If empty, random replicas will be selected. |
Array of Chat history (objects) or Chat history (null) (Chat history) Use to rephrase the new LLM query by taking into account the chat conversation history | |
Array of Extra query context (strings) or Extra query context (null) (Extra query context) Additional context that is added to the retrieval context sent to the LLM. It allows extending the chat feature with content that may not be in the Knowledge Box. | |
autofilter | boolean (Automatic search filtering) Default: false If set to true, the search will automatically add filters to the query. For example, it will filter results containing the entities detected in the query |
highlight | boolean (Highlight) Default: false If set to true, the query terms will be highlighted in the results between ... tags |
resource_filters | Array of strings (Resources filter) Default: [] List of resource ids to filter search results for. Only paragraphs from the specified resources will be returned. |
Prompts (string) or CustomPrompt (object) or Prompts (null) (Prompts) Use to customize the prompts given to the generative model. Both system and user prompts can be customized. If a string is provided, it is interpreted as the user prompt. | |
RankFusionName (string) or Rank fusion (any) (Rank fusion) Default: "rrf" Rank fusion algorithm to use to merge results from multiple retrievers (keyword, semantic) | |
RerankerName (string) or Reranker (any) (Reranker) Default: "multi_match_booster" Reranker let you specify which method you want to use to rerank your results at the end of retrieval DEPRECATION! multi_match_booster will be deprecated and predict will be the new default | |
citations | boolean (Citations) Default: false Whether to include the citations for the answer in the response |
Citation Threshold (number) or Citation Threshold (null) (Citation Threshold) If citations is True, this sets the similarity threshold (0 to 1) for paragraphs to be included as citations. Lower values result in more citations. If not provided, Nuclia's default threshold is used. | |
RequestSecurity (object) or Security (null) (Security) Security metadata for the request. If not provided, the search request is done without the security lookup phase. | |
show_hidden | boolean (Show hidden resources) Default: false If set to false (default), excludes hidden resources from search |
Array of any (RAG context building strategies) Default: [] Options for tweaking how the context for the LLM model is crafted:
If empty, the default strategy is used, which simply adds the text of the matching paragraphs to the context. | |
Array of any (RAG image context building strategies) Default: [] Options for tweaking how the image based context for the LLM model is crafted:
| |
debug | boolean (Debug mode) Default: false If set, the response will include some extra metadata for debugging purposes, like the list of queried nodes. |
Generative model (string) or Generative model (null) (Generative model) The generative model to use for the chat endpoint. If not provided, the model configured for the Knowledge Box is used. | |
Maximum LLM tokens to use for the request (integer) or MaxTokens (object) or Maximum LLM tokens to use for the request (null) (Maximum LLM tokens to use for the request) Use to limit the amount of tokens used in the LLM context and/or for generating the answer. If not provided, the default maximum tokens of the generative model will be used. If an integer is provided, it is interpreted as the maximum tokens for the answer. | |
rephrase | boolean (Rephrase) Default: false Rephrase the query for a more efficient retrieval. This will consume LLM tokens and make the request slower. |
prefer_markdown | boolean (Prefer markdown) Default: false If set to true, the response will be in markdown format |
Answer JSON schema (object) or Answer JSON schema (null) (Answer JSON schema) Desired JSON schema for the LLM answer.
This schema is passed to the LLM so that it answers in a scructured format following the schema. If not provided, textual response is returned.
Note that when using this parameter, the answer in the generative response will not be returned in chunks, the whole response text will be returned instead.
Using this feature also disables the |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "audit_metadata": {
- "environment": "test",
- "user": "my-user-123"
}, - "query": "string",
- "top_k": 20,
- "fields": [ ],
- "filters": [ ],
- "keyword_filters": [
- "NLP",
- "BERT"
], - "vectorset": "string",
- "min_score": 0,
- "features": [
- "semantic",
- "keyword"
], - "range_creation_start": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "range_creation_end": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "range_modification_start": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "range_modification_end": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "show": [
- "basic"
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- "text",
- "file",
- "link",
- "conversation",
- "generic"
], - "extracted": [ ],
- "shards": [ ],
- "context": [
- {
- "author": "NUCLIA",
- "text": "string"
], - "extra_context": [
- "string"
], - "autofilter": false,
- "highlight": false,
- "resource_filters": [ ],
- "prompt": "string",
- "rank_fusion": "rrf",
- "reranker": "multi_match_booster",
- "citations": false,
- "citation_threshold": 1,
- "security": {
- "groups": [ ]
}, - "show_hidden": false,
- "rag_strategies": [
- {
- "count": 2,
- "name": "full_resource"
], - "rag_images_strategies": [ ],
- "debug": false,
- "generative_model": "string",
- "max_tokens": 0,
- "rephrase": false,
- "prefer_markdown": false,
- "answer_json_schema": {
- "description": "Structured response with custom fields",
- "name": "structred_response",
- "parameters": {
- "properties": {
- "answer": {
- "description": "Text responding to the user's query with the given context.",
- "type": "string"
}, - "confidence": {
- "description": "The confidence level of the response, on a scale from 0 to 5.",
- "maximum": 5,
- "minimum": 0,
- "type": "integer"
}, - "machinery_mentioned": {
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Search on Resource
Search on a single resource
Authorization roles
Authenticated user needs to fulfill one of this roles, otherwise the request will be rejected with a 403
path Parameters
kbid required | string (Kbid) |
rid required | string (Rid) |
query Parameters
query required | string (Query) |
fields | Array of strings (Fields) Default: "" The list of fields to search in. For instance: |
filters | Array of strings (Filters) Default: "" The list of filters to apply. Filtering examples can be found here: |
faceted | Array of strings (Faceted) <= 50 items Default: "" The list of facets to calculate. The facets follow the same syntax as filters: |
SortField (string) or Sort field (null) (Sort field) Field to sort results with (Score not supported in catalog) | |
sort_order | string (SortOrder) Enum: "asc" "desc" Order to sort results with |
Top k (integer) or Top k (null) (Top k) Default: 20 The number of results search should return. The maximum number of results allowed is 200. | |
Resource creation range start (string) or Resource creation range start (null) (Resource creation range start) Resources created before this date will be filtered out of search results. Datetime are represented as a str in ISO 8601 format, like: 2008-09-15T15:53:00+05:00. | |
Resource creation range end (string) or Resource creation range end (null) (Resource creation range end) Resources created after this date will be filtered out of search results. Datetime are represented as a str in ISO 8601 format, like: 2008-09-15T15:53:00+05:00. | |
Resource modification range start (string) or Resource modification range start (null) (Resource modification range start) Resources modified before this date will be filtered out of search results. Datetime are represented as a str in ISO 8601 format, like: 2008-09-15T15:53:00+05:00. | |
Resource modification range end (string) or Resource modification range end (null) (Resource modification range end) Resources modified after this date will be filtered out of search results. Datetime are represented as a str in ISO 8601 format, like: 2008-09-15T15:53:00+05:00. | |
highlight | boolean (Highlight) Default: false If set to true, the query terms will be highlighted in the results between ... tags |
debug | boolean (Debug mode) Default: false If set, the response will include some extra metadata for debugging purposes, like the list of queried nodes. |
shards | Array of strings (Shards) Default: "" The list of shard replicas to search in. If empty, random replicas will be selected. |
header Parameters
x-ndb-client | string (NucliaDBClientType) Enum: "api" "widget" "web" "dashboard" "desktop" "chrome_extension" |
Response samples
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- 422
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Search Knowledge Box
Search on a Knowledge Box and retrieve separate results for documents, paragraphs, and sentences. Usually, it is better to use find
Authorization roles
Authenticated user needs to fulfill one of this roles, otherwise the request will be rejected with a 403
path Parameters
kbid required | string (Kbid) |
query Parameters
query | string (Query) <= 20000 characters Default: "" The query to search for |
fields | Array of strings (Fields) Default: "" The list of fields to search in. For instance: |
filters | Array of strings (Filters) Default: "" The list of filters to apply. Filtering examples can be found here: |
faceted | Array of strings (Faceted) <= 50 items Default: "" The list of facets to calculate. The facets follow the same syntax as filters: |
sort_field | string (SortField) Enum: "score" "created" "modified" "title" Field to sort results with (Score not supported in catalog) |
Sort limit (integer) or Sort limit (null) (Sort limit) | |
sort_order | string (SortOrder) Enum: "asc" "desc" Order to sort results with |
top_k | integer (Top k) <= 200 Default: 20 The number of results search should return. The maximum number of results allowed is 200. |
Min Score (number) or Min Score (null) (Min Score) Deprecated Minimum similarity score to filter vector index results. If not specified, the default minimum score of the semantic model associated to the Knowledge Box will be used. Check out the documentation for more information on how to use this parameter: | |
Min Score Semantic (number) or Min Score Semantic (null) (Min Score Semantic) Minimum semantic similarity score to filter vector index results. If not specified, the default minimum score of the semantic model associated to the Knowledge Box will be used. Check out the documentation for more information on how to use this parameter: | |
min_score_bm25 | number (Min Score Bm25) >= 0 Default: 0 Minimum bm25 score to filter paragraph and document index results |
Vectorset (string) or Vectorset (null) (Vectorset) Vectors index to perform the search in. If not provided, NucliaDB will use the default one | |
Resource creation range start (string) or Resource creation range start (null) (Resource creation range start) Resources created before this date will be filtered out of search results. Datetime are represented as a str in ISO 8601 format, like: 2008-09-15T15:53:00+05:00. | |
Resource creation range end (string) or Resource creation range end (null) (Resource creation range end) Resources created after this date will be filtered out of search results. Datetime are represented as a str in ISO 8601 format, like: 2008-09-15T15:53:00+05:00. | |
Resource modification range start (string) or Resource modification range start (null) (Resource modification range start) Resources modified before this date will be filtered out of search results. Datetime are represented as a str in ISO 8601 format, like: 2008-09-15T15:53:00+05:00. | |
Resource modification range end (string) or Resource modification range end (null) (Resource modification range end) Resources modified after this date will be filtered out of search results. Datetime are represented as a str in ISO 8601 format, like: 2008-09-15T15:53:00+05:00. | |
features | Array of strings (Search features) Default: "keyword&features=fulltext&features=semantic" Items Enum: "fulltext" "keyword" "relations" "semantic" List of search features to use. Each value corresponds to a lookup into on of the different indexes |
debug | boolean (Debug mode) Default: false If set, the response will include some extra metadata for debugging purposes, like the list of queried nodes. |
highlight | boolean (Highlight) Default: false If set to true, the query terms will be highlighted in the results between ... tags |
show | Array of strings (Show metadata) Default: "basic" Items Enum: "basic" "origin" "extra" "relations" "values" "extracted" "errors" "security" Controls which types of metadata are serialized on resources of search results |
field_type | Array of strings (Field type filter) Default: "text&field_type=file&field_type=link&field_type=conversation&field_type=generic" Items Enum: "text" "file" "link" "conversation" "generic" Define which field types are serialized on resources of search results |
extracted | Array of strings (Extracted metadata) Default: "" Items Enum: "text" "metadata" "shortened_metadata" "large_metadata" "vectors" "link" "file" "question_answers" [Deprecated] Please use GET resource endpoint instead to get extracted metadata |
shards | Array of strings (Shards) Default: "" The list of shard replicas to search in. If empty, random replicas will be selected. |
with_duplicates | boolean (With duplicate paragraphs) Default: false Whether to return duplicate paragraphs on the same document |
with_synonyms | boolean (With custom synonyms) Default: false Whether to return matches for custom knowledge box synonyms of the query terms. Note: only supported for |
autofilter | boolean (Automatic search filtering) Default: false If set to true, the search will automatically add filters to the query. For example, it will filter results containing the entities detected in the query |
security_groups | Array of strings (Security groups) Default: "" List of security groups to filter search results for. Only resources matching the query and containing the specified security groups will be returned. If empty, all resources will be considered for the search. |
show_hidden | boolean (Show hidden resources) Default: false If set to false (default), excludes hidden resources from search |
header Parameters
x-ndb-client | string (NucliaDBClientType) Enum: "api" "widget" "web" "dashboard" "desktop" "chrome_extension" |
x-nucliadb-user | string (X-Nucliadb-User) Default: |
x-forwarded-for | string (X-Forwarded-For) Default: |
Response samples
- 200
- 422
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- {
- "entity": "string",
- "entity_type": "entity",
- "relation": "ABOUT",
- "relation_label": "string",
- "direction": "in"
}, - "property2": {
- "related_to": [
- {
- "entity": "string",
- "entity_type": "entity",
- "relation": "ABOUT",
- "relation_label": "string",
- "direction": "in"
}, - "nodes": [
- {
- "property1": "string",
- "property2": "string"
], - "shards": [
- "string"
], - "autofilters": [ ]
Search Knowledge Box
Search on a Knowledge Box and retrieve separate results for documents, paragraphs, and sentences. Usually, it is better to use find
Authorization roles
Authenticated user needs to fulfill one of this roles, otherwise the request will be rejected with a 403
path Parameters
kbid required | string (Kbid) |
header Parameters
x-ndb-client | string (NucliaDBClientType) Enum: "api" "widget" "web" "dashboard" "desktop" "chrome_extension" |
x-nucliadb-user | string (X-Nucliadb-User) Default: |
x-forwarded-for | string (X-Forwarded-For) Default: |
Request Body schema: application/jsonrequired
Audit metadata (object) or Audit metadata (null) (Audit metadata) A dictionary containing optional audit-specific metadata, such as user_id, environment, or other contextual information. This metadata can be leveraged for filtering and analyzing activity logs in future operations. Each key-value pair represents a piece of metadata relevant to the user's request. | |
query | string (Query) <= 20000 characters Default: "" The query to search for |
fields | Array of strings (Fields) Default: [] The list of fields to search in. For instance: |
Array of Filters (strings) or Array of Filters (objects) (Filters) Default: [] The list of filters to apply. Filtering examples can be found here: | |
top_k | integer (Top k) <= 200 Default: 20 The number of results search should return. The maximum number of results allowed is 200. |
Minimum score (number) or MinScore (object) or Minimum score (null) (Minimum score) Minimum score to filter search results. Results with a lower score will be ignored. Accepts either a float or a dictionary with the minimum scores for the bm25 and vector indexes. If a float is provided, it is interpreted as the minimum score for vector index search. | |
Resource creation range start (string) or Resource creation range start (null) (Resource creation range start) Resources created before this date will be filtered out of search results. Datetime are represented as a str in ISO 8601 format, like: 2008-09-15T15:53:00+05:00. | |
Resource creation range end (string) or Resource creation range end (null) (Resource creation range end) Resources created after this date will be filtered out of search results. Datetime are represented as a str in ISO 8601 format, like: 2008-09-15T15:53:00+05:00. | |
Resource modification range start (string) or Resource modification range start (null) (Resource modification range start) Resources modified before this date will be filtered out of search results. Datetime are represented as a str in ISO 8601 format, like: 2008-09-15T15:53:00+05:00. | |
Resource modification range end (string) or Resource modification range end (null) (Resource modification range end) Resources modified after this date will be filtered out of search results. Datetime are represented as a str in ISO 8601 format, like: 2008-09-15T15:53:00+05:00. | |
features | Array of strings (Search features) Default: ["keyword","fulltext","semantic"] Items Enum: "fulltext" "keyword" "relations" "semantic" List of search features to use. Each value corresponds to a lookup into on of the different indexes |
debug | boolean (Debug mode) Default: false If set, the response will include some extra metadata for debugging purposes, like the list of queried nodes. |
highlight | boolean (Highlight) Default: false If set to true, the query terms will be highlighted in the results between ... tags |
show | Array of strings (Show metadata) Default: ["basic"] Items Enum: "basic" "origin" "extra" "relations" "values" "extracted" "errors" "security" Controls which types of metadata are serialized on resources of search results |
field_type_filter | Array of strings (Field type filter) Default: ["text","file","link","conversation","generic"] Items Enum: "text" "file" "link" "conversation" "generic" Define which field types are serialized on resources of search results |
extracted | Array of strings (Extracted metadata) Deprecated Default: [] Items Enum: "text" "metadata" "shortened_metadata" "large_metadata" "vectors" "link" "file" "question_answers" [Deprecated] Please use GET resource endpoint instead to get extracted metadata |
shards | Array of strings (Shards) Default: [] The list of shard replicas to search in. If empty, random replicas will be selected. |
Array of Search Vector (numbers) or Search Vector (null) (Search Vector) The vector to perform the search with. If not provided, NucliaDB will use Nuclia Predict API to create the vector off from the query. | |
Vectorset (string) or Vectorset (null) (Vectorset) Vectors index to perform the search in. If not provided, NucliaDB will use the default one | |
with_duplicates | boolean (With duplicate paragraphs) Default: false Whether to return duplicate paragraphs on the same document |
with_synonyms | boolean (With custom synonyms) Default: false Whether to return matches for custom knowledge box synonyms of the query terms. Note: only supported for |
autofilter | boolean (Automatic search filtering) Default: false If set to true, the search will automatically add filters to the query. For example, it will filter results containing the entities detected in the query |
resource_filters | Array of strings (Resources filter) Default: [] List of resource ids to filter search results for. Only paragraphs from the specified resources will be returned. |
RequestSecurity (object) or Security (null) (Security) Security metadata for the request. If not provided, the search request is done without the security lookup phase. | |
show_hidden | boolean (Show hidden resources) Default: false If set to false (default), excludes hidden resources from search |
rephrase | boolean (Rephrase) Default: false Rephrase the query for a more efficient retrieval. This will consume LLM tokens and make the request slower. |
Rephrase (string) or Rephrase (null) (Rephrase) Rephrase prompt given to the generative model responsible for rephrasing the query for a more effective retrieval step. This is only used if the | |
faceted | Array of strings (Faceted) <= 50 items Default: [] The list of facets to calculate. The facets follow the same syntax as filters: |
SortOptions (object) or Sort options (null) (Sort options) Options for results sorting |
Request samples
- Payload
For a complete list of filters, visit:
{- "query": "Noam Chomsky",
- "filters": [
- "/icon/application/pdf"
], - "features": [
- "fulltext"
Response samples
- 200
- 422
{- "resources": { },
- "sentences": {
- "results": [ ],
- "facets": { },
- "page_number": 0,
- "page_size": 20,
- "min_score": 0
}, - "paragraphs": {
- "results": [ ],
- "facets": { },
- "query": "string",
- "total": 0,
- "page_number": 0,
- "page_size": 20,
- "next_page": false,
- "min_score": 0
}, - "fulltext": {
- "results": [
- {
- "score": 0,
- "rid": "string",
- "field_type": "string",
- "field": "string",
- "labels": [
- "string"
], - "facets": { },
- "query": "string",
- "total": 0,
- "page_number": 0,
- "page_size": 20,
- "next_page": false,
- "min_score": 0
}, - "relations": {
- "entities": {
- "property1": {
- "related_to": [
- {
- "entity": "string",
- "entity_type": "entity",
- "relation": "ABOUT",
- "relation_label": "string",
- "direction": "in"
}, - "property2": {
- "related_to": [
- {
- "entity": "string",
- "entity_type": "entity",
- "relation": "ABOUT",
- "relation_label": "string",
- "direction": "in"
}, - "nodes": [
- {
- "property1": "string",
- "property2": "string"
], - "shards": [
- "string"
], - "autofilters": [ ]
Ask a resource (by slug)
Ask questions to a resource
Authorization roles
Authenticated user needs to fulfill one of this roles, otherwise the request will be rejected with a 403
path Parameters
kbid required | string (Kbid) |
slug required | string (Slug) |
header Parameters
x-ndb-client | string (NucliaDBClientType) Enum: "api" "widget" "web" "dashboard" "desktop" "chrome_extension" |
x-nucliadb-user | string (X-Nucliadb-User) Default: |
x-forwarded-for | string (X-Forwarded-For) Default: |
x-synchronous | boolean (X-Synchronous) Default: false When set to true, outputs response as JSON in a non-streaming way. This is slower and requires waiting for entire answer to be ready. |
Request Body schema: application/jsonrequired
Audit metadata (object) or Audit metadata (null) (Audit metadata) A dictionary containing optional audit-specific metadata, such as user_id, environment, or other contextual information. This metadata can be leveraged for filtering and analyzing activity logs in future operations. Each key-value pair represents a piece of metadata relevant to the user's request. | |
query required | string (Query) <= 20000 characters The query to get a generative answer for |
top_k | integer (Top k) [ 1 .. 200 ] Default: 20 The top most relevant results to fetch at the retrieval step. The maximum number of results allowed is 200. |
fields | Array of strings (Fields) Default: [] The list of fields to search in. For instance: |
Array of Filters (strings) or Array of Filters (objects) (Filters) Default: [] The list of filters to apply. Filtering examples can be found here: | |
Array of Keyword filters (strings) or Array of Keyword filters (objects) (Keyword filters) Default: [] List of keyword filter expressions to apply to the retrieval step. The text block search will only be performed on the documents that contain the specified keywords. The filters are case-insensitive, and only alphanumeric characters and spaces are allowed. Filtering examples can be found here: | |
Vectorset (string) or Vectorset (null) (Vectorset) Vectors index to perform the search in. If not provided, NucliaDB will use the default one | |
Minimum score (number) or MinScore (object) or Minimum score (null) (Minimum score) Minimum score to filter search results. Results with a lower score will be ignored. Accepts either a float or a dictionary with the minimum scores for the bm25 and vector indexes. If a float is provided, it is interpreted as the minimum score for vector index search. | |
features | Array of strings (Chat features) Default: ["semantic","keyword"] Items Enum: "keyword" "relations" "semantic" Features enabled for the chat endpoint. Semantic search is done if |
Resource creation range start (string) or Resource creation range start (null) (Resource creation range start) Resources created before this date will be filtered out of search results. Datetime are represented as a str in ISO 8601 format, like: 2008-09-15T15:53:00+05:00. | |
Resource creation range end (string) or Resource creation range end (null) (Resource creation range end) Resources created after this date will be filtered out of search results. Datetime are represented as a str in ISO 8601 format, like: 2008-09-15T15:53:00+05:00. | |
Resource modification range start (string) or Resource modification range start (null) (Resource modification range start) Resources modified before this date will be filtered out of search results. Datetime are represented as a str in ISO 8601 format, like: 2008-09-15T15:53:00+05:00. | |
Resource modification range end (string) or Resource modification range end (null) (Resource modification range end) Resources modified after this date will be filtered out of search results. Datetime are represented as a str in ISO 8601 format, like: 2008-09-15T15:53:00+05:00. | |
show | Array of strings (Show metadata) Default: ["basic"] Items Enum: "basic" "origin" "extra" "relations" "values" "extracted" "errors" "security" Controls which types of metadata are serialized on resources of search results |
field_type_filter | Array of strings (Field type filter) Default: ["text","file","link","conversation","generic"] Items Enum: "text" "file" "link" "conversation" "generic" Define which field types are serialized on resources of search results |
extracted | Array of strings (Extracted metadata) Deprecated Default: [] Items Enum: "text" "metadata" "shortened_metadata" "large_metadata" "vectors" "link" "file" "question_answers" [Deprecated] Please use GET resource endpoint instead to get extracted metadata |
shards | Array of strings (Shards) Default: [] The list of shard replicas to search in. If empty, random replicas will be selected. |
Array of Chat history (objects) or Chat history (null) (Chat history) Use to rephrase the new LLM query by taking into account the chat conversation history | |
Array of Extra query context (strings) or Extra query context (null) (Extra query context) Additional context that is added to the retrieval context sent to the LLM. It allows extending the chat feature with content that may not be in the Knowledge Box. | |
autofilter | boolean (Automatic search filtering) Default: false If set to true, the search will automatically add filters to the query. For example, it will filter results containing the entities detected in the query |
highlight | boolean (Highlight) Default: false If set to true, the query terms will be highlighted in the results between ... tags |
resource_filters | Array of strings (Resources filter) Default: [] List of resource ids to filter search results for. Only paragraphs from the specified resources will be returned. |
Prompts (string) or CustomPrompt (object) or Prompts (null) (Prompts) Use to customize the prompts given to the generative model. Both system and user prompts can be customized. If a string is provided, it is interpreted as the user prompt. | |
RankFusionName (string) or Rank fusion (any) (Rank fusion) Default: "rrf" Rank fusion algorithm to use to merge results from multiple retrievers (keyword, semantic) | |
RerankerName (string) or Reranker (any) (Reranker) Default: "multi_match_booster" Reranker let you specify which method you want to use to rerank your results at the end of retrieval DEPRECATION! multi_match_booster will be deprecated and predict will be the new default | |
citations | boolean (Citations) Default: false Whether to include the citations for the answer in the response |
Citation Threshold (number) or Citation Threshold (null) (Citation Threshold) If citations is True, this sets the similarity threshold (0 to 1) for paragraphs to be included as citations. Lower values result in more citations. If not provided, Nuclia's default threshold is used. | |
RequestSecurity (object) or Security (null) (Security) Security metadata for the request. If not provided, the search request is done without the security lookup phase. | |
show_hidden | boolean (Show hidden resources) Default: false If set to false (default), excludes hidden resources from search |
Array of any (RAG context building strategies) Default: [] Options for tweaking how the context for the LLM model is crafted:
If empty, the default strategy is used, which simply adds the text of the matching paragraphs to the context. | |
Array of any (RAG image context building strategies) Default: [] Options for tweaking how the image based context for the LLM model is crafted:
| |
debug | boolean (Debug mode) Default: false If set, the response will include some extra metadata for debugging purposes, like the list of queried nodes. |
Generative model (string) or Generative model (null) (Generative model) The generative model to use for the chat endpoint. If not provided, the model configured for the Knowledge Box is used. | |
Maximum LLM tokens to use for the request (integer) or MaxTokens (object) or Maximum LLM tokens to use for the request (null) (Maximum LLM tokens to use for the request) Use to limit the amount of tokens used in the LLM context and/or for generating the answer. If not provided, the default maximum tokens of the generative model will be used. If an integer is provided, it is interpreted as the maximum tokens for the answer. | |
rephrase | boolean (Rephrase) Default: false Rephrase the query for a more efficient retrieval. This will consume LLM tokens and make the request slower. |
prefer_markdown | boolean (Prefer markdown) Default: false If set to true, the response will be in markdown format |
Answer JSON schema (object) or Answer JSON schema (null) (Answer JSON schema) Desired JSON schema for the LLM answer.
This schema is passed to the LLM so that it answers in a scructured format following the schema. If not provided, textual response is returned.
Note that when using this parameter, the answer in the generative response will not be returned in chunks, the whole response text will be returned instead.
Using this feature also disables the |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "audit_metadata": {
- "environment": "test",
- "user": "my-user-123"
}, - "query": "string",
- "top_k": 20,
- "fields": [ ],
- "filters": [ ],
- "keyword_filters": [
- "NLP",
- "BERT"
], - "vectorset": "string",
- "min_score": 0,
- "features": [
- "semantic",
- "keyword"
], - "range_creation_start": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "range_creation_end": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "range_modification_start": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "range_modification_end": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "show": [
- "basic"
], - "field_type_filter": [
- "text",
- "file",
- "link",
- "conversation",
- "generic"
], - "extracted": [ ],
- "shards": [ ],
- "context": [
- {
- "author": "NUCLIA",
- "text": "string"
], - "extra_context": [
- "string"
], - "autofilter": false,
- "highlight": false,
- "resource_filters": [ ],
- "prompt": "string",
- "rank_fusion": "rrf",
- "reranker": "multi_match_booster",
- "citations": false,
- "citation_threshold": 1,
- "security": {
- "groups": [ ]
}, - "show_hidden": false,
- "rag_strategies": [
- {
- "count": 2,
- "name": "full_resource"
], - "rag_images_strategies": [ ],
- "debug": false,
- "generative_model": "string",
- "max_tokens": 0,
- "rephrase": false,
- "prefer_markdown": false,
- "answer_json_schema": {
- "description": "Structured response with custom fields",
- "name": "structred_response",
- "parameters": {
- "properties": {
- "answer": {
- "description": "Text responding to the user's query with the given context.",
- "type": "string"
}, - "confidence": {
- "description": "The confidence level of the response, on a scale from 0 to 5.",
- "maximum": 5,
- "minimum": 0,
- "type": "integer"
}, - "machinery_mentioned": {
- "description": "Optional field listing any machinery mentioned in the response.",
- "items": {
- "description": "A list of machinery mentioned in the response, if any. Use machine IDs if possible.",
- "type": "string"
}, - "type": "array"
}, - "required": [
- "answer",
- "confidence"
], - "type": "object"
Response samples
- 200
- 422
{- "answer": "string",
- "answer_json": { },
- "status": "string",
- "retrieval_results": {
- "resources": {
- "property1": {
- "id": "string",
- "slug": "string",
- "title": "string",
- "summary": "string",
- "icon": "string",
- "thumbnail": "string",
- "metadata": {
- "metadata": { },
- "language": "string",
- "languages": [
- "string"
], - "status": "PENDING"
}, - "usermetadata": {
- "classifications": [ ],
- "relations": [ ]
}, - "fieldmetadata": [
- {
- "token": [ ],
- "paragraphs": [ ],
- "selections": [ ],
- "question_answers": [ ],
- "field": {
- "field_type": "file",
- "field": "string"
], - "computedmetadata": {
- "field_classifications": [ ]
}, - "created": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "modified": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "last_seqid": 0,
- "last_account_seq": 0,
- "queue": "private",
- "hidden": true,
- "origin": {
- "source_id": "string",
- "url": "string",
- "created": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "modified": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "metadata": { },
- "tags": [ ],
- "collaborators": [ ],
- "filename": "string",
- "related": [ ],
- "path": "string",
- "source": "API"
}, - "extra": {
- "metadata": { }
}, - "relations": [
- {
- "relation": "ABOUT",
- "label": "string",
- "metadata": {
- "paragraph_id": "string",
- "source_start": 0,
- "source_end": 0,
- "to_start": 0,
- "to_end": 0,
- "data_augmentation_task_id": "string"
}, - "from": {
- "value": "string",
- "type": "entity",
- "group": "string"
}, - "to": {
- "value": "string",
- "type": "entity",
- "group": "string"
], - "data": {
- "texts": {
- "property1": {
- "value": {
- "body": "string",
- "format": "PLAIN",
- "md5": "string"
}, - "extracted": {
- "text": {
- "text": "string",
- "split_text": {
- "property1": null,
- "property2": null
}, - "deleted_splits": [
- null
}, - "metadata": {
- "metadata": {
- "links": [ ],
- "paragraphs": [ ],
- "ner": { },
- "entities": { },
- "classifications": [ ],
- "last_index": null,
- "last_understanding": null,
- "last_extract": null,
- "last_summary": null,
- "thumbnail": null,
- "language": null,
- "summary": null,
- "positions": { },
- "relations": null,
- "mime_type": null
}, - "split_metadata": {
- "property1": null,
- "property2": null
}, - "deleted_splits": [
- null
}, - "large_metadata": {
- "metadata": {
- "entities": null,
- "tokens": null
}, - "split_metadata": {
- "property1": null,
- "property2": null
}, - "deleted_splits": [
- null
}, - "vectors": {
- "vectors": {
- "vectors": null
}, - "split_vectors": {
- "property1": null,
- "property2": null
}, - "deleted_splits": [
- null
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- "question_answers": {
- "question_answer": [ ]
}, - "split_question_answers": {
- "property1": null,
- "property2": null
}, - "deleted_splits": [
- null
}, - "error": {
- "body": "string",
- "code": 0
}, - "property2": {
- "value": {
- "body": "string",
- "format": "PLAIN",
- "md5": "string"
}, - "extracted": {
- "text": {
- "text": "string",
- "split_text": {
- "property1": null,
- "property2": null
}, - "deleted_splits": [
- null
}, - "metadata": {
- "metadata": {
- "links": [ ],
- "paragraphs": [ ],
- "ner": { },
- "entities": { },
- "classifications": [ ],
- "last_index": null,
- "last_understanding": null,
- "last_extract": null,
- "last_summary": null,
- "thumbnail": null,
- "language": null,
- "summary": null,
- "positions": { },
- "relations": null,
- "mime_type": null
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- "property1": null,
- "property2": null
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- null
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- "metadata": {
- "entities": null,
- "tokens": null
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- "property1": null,
- "property2": null
}, - "deleted_splits": [
- null
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- "vectors": {
- "vectors": null
}, - "split_vectors": {
- "property1": null,
- "property2": null
}, - "deleted_splits": [
- null
}, - "question_answers": {
- "question_answers": {
- "question_answer": [ ]
}, - "split_question_answers": {
- "property1": null,
- "property2": null
}, - "deleted_splits": [
- null
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- "size": 0,
- "content_type": "string",
- "filename": "string",
- "md5": "string"
}, - "language": "string",
- "password": "string",
- "external": false
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- "text": {
- "text": "string",
- "split_text": {
- "property1": null,
- "property2": null
}, - "deleted_splits": [
- null
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- "paragraphs": [ ],
- "ner": { },
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- "classifications": [ ],
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- "last_understanding": null,
- "last_extract": null,
- "last_summary": null,
- "thumbnail": null,
- "language": null,
- "summary": null,
- "positions": { },
- "relations": null,
- "mime_type": null
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- "property1": null,
- "property2": null
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- null
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- "tokens": null
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- "question_answer": [ ]
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- "property2": null
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- "property2": null
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- "pages": null,
- "positions": null,
- "structures": null
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- "size": null,
- "content_type": null,
- "filename": null,
- "md5": null
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- "icon": "string",
- "nested_position": {
- "property1": null,
- "property2": null
}, - "nested_list_position": {
- "property1": null,
- "property2": null
}, - "error": {
- "body": "string",
- "code": 0
}, - "property2": {
- "value": {
- "added": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "file": {
- "uri": "string",
- "size": 0,
- "content_type": "string",
- "filename": "string",
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Suggest on a knowledge box
Suggestions on a knowledge box
Authorization roles
Authenticated user needs to fulfill one of this roles, otherwise the request will be rejected with a 403
path Parameters
kbid required | string (Kbid) |
query Parameters
query required | string (Query) The query to get suggestions for |
fields | Array of strings (Fields) Default: "" The list of fields to search in. For instance: |
filters | Array of strings (Filters) Default: "" The list of filters to apply. Filtering examples can be found here: |
faceted | Array of strings (Faceted) <= 50 items Default: "" The list of facets to calculate. The facets follow the same syntax as filters: |
Resource creation range start (string) or Resource creation range start (null) (Resource creation range start) Resources created before this date will be filtered out of search results. Datetime are represented as a str in ISO 8601 format, like: 2008-09-15T15:53:00+05:00. | |
Resource creation range end (string) or Resource creation range end (null) (Resource creation range end) Resources created after this date will be filtered out of search results. Datetime are represented as a str in ISO 8601 format, like: 2008-09-15T15:53:00+05:00. | |
Resource modification range start (string) or Resource modification range start (null) (Resource modification range start) Resources modified before this date will be filtered out of search results. Datetime are represented as a str in ISO 8601 format, like: 2008-09-15T15:53:00+05:00. | |
Resource modification range end (string) or Resource modification range end (null) (Resource modification range end) Resources modified after this date will be filtered out of search results. Datetime are represented as a str in ISO 8601 format, like: 2008-09-15T15:53:00+05:00. | |
features | Array of strings (Suggest features) Default: "paragraph&features=entities" Items Enum: "paragraph" "entities" Features enabled for the suggest endpoint. |
show | Array of strings (Show metadata) Default: "basic" Items Enum: "basic" "origin" "extra" "relations" "values" "extracted" "errors" "security" Controls which types of metadata are serialized on resources of search results |
field_type | Array of strings (Field type filter) Default: "text&field_type=file&field_type=link&field_type=conversation&field_type=generic" Items Enum: "text" "file" "link" "conversation" "generic" Define which field types are serialized on resources of search results |
debug | boolean (Debug mode) Default: false If set, the response will include some extra metadata for debugging purposes, like the list of queried nodes. |
highlight | boolean (Highlight) Default: false If set to true, the query terms will be highlighted in the results between ... tags |
show_hidden | boolean (Show hidden resources) Default: false If set to false (default), excludes hidden resources from search |
header Parameters
x-ndb-client | string (NucliaDBClientType) Enum: "api" "widget" "web" "dashboard" "desktop" "chrome_extension" |
x-nucliadb-user | string (X-Nucliadb-User) Default: |
x-forwarded-for | string (X-Forwarded-For) Default: |
Response samples
- 200
- 422
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Summarize your documents
Summarize Your Documents
Authorization roles
Authenticated user needs to fulfill one of this roles, otherwise the request will be rejected with a 403
path Parameters
kbid required | string (Kbid) |
Request Body schema: application/jsonrequired
Generative model (string) or Generative model (null) (Generative model) The generative model to use for the summarization. If not provided, the model configured for the Knowledge Box is used. | |
User prompt (string) or User prompt (null) (User prompt) Optional custom prompt input by the user | |
resources required | Array of strings (Resources) [ 1 .. 100 ] items Uids or slugs of the resources to summarize. If the resources are not found, they will be ignored. |
summary_kind | string (SummaryKind) Enum: "simple" "extended" |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "generative_model": "string",
- "user_prompt": "string",
- "resources": [
- "string"
], - "summary_kind": "simple"
Response samples
- 200
- 422
{- "resources": { },
- "summary": ""