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import Link from "@docusaurus/Link";

The Nuclia Sync Agent

What is the Nuclia Sync Agent?

The Nuclia Sync Agent is an application that allows you to synchronize a local folder or a third-party data source (like Google Drive or DropBox) into your Nuclia account or your local NucliaDB instance.

It can run locally on your laptop or on a server, and it is available for Windows, MacOS and Linux.

Its purpose is to manage all the 3rd-party storage services authentication and data transfer on your premises for privacy and security reasons.

Installation and setup

Download the latest version of the Nuclia Sync Agent and install it on your computer.

Download Nuclia Sync Agent

Once it is installed, go to the Upload page in the Nuclia dashboard, click on "Setup sync agent" and enter the sync agent endpoint URL.

If you have installed the sync agent on your local computer, the URL will be http://localhost:8090.

If you do not want the synchronization to stop everytime you switch off your laptop, you can also deploy it manually as a NodeJS process on a server of your own. Follow the instructions in the Nuclia Sync Agent GitHub repository.

Sync a third-party source

Go to the Upload page in the Nuclia dashboard.

Pick a source connector and authenticate with the corresponding third-party user account.

You are now able to browse the source content and select the items you want to send to Nuclia.

Supported source connectors

  • Local folder
  • DropBox
  • Microsoft OneDrive
  • Microsoft Sharepoint
  • Sitemap
  • Confluence

Confluence connector usage

The Confluence connector does not support OAuth. To use this connector, you will have to pass the following information in order to let the Nuclia Desktop application to connect to your Confluence site:

  • Confluence site URL: that is the full URL of your Confluence site, for example
  • User account: the username of the user that will be used to access the Confluence site contents to index. It is usually your email address.
  • API token: To get an API token, go to your Atlassian account, login using the user account mentioned in the previous point, and create a new API token.