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Access a Knowledge Box

Define the default Knowledge Box

  • When using user authentication, you can list all the kbs who have access to:

    • CLI:
      nuclia kbs list
    • SDK:
      from nuclia import sdk
      kbs = sdk.NucliaKBS()

    And you can set the Knowledge Box you want to work with as your default:

    • CLI:
      nuclia kbs default [KB_ID]
    • SDK:
      from nuclia import sdk
      kbs = sdk.NucliaKBS()
  • When using an API key, the corresponding Knowledge Box is set as default automatically.

List resources

You can get the list of resources in a Knowledge Box:

  • CLI:
    nuclia kb list
    nuclia kb list --page=0 --size=10
  • SDK:
    from nuclia import sdk
    kb = sdk.NucliaKB()
    resources = kb.list(page=0, size=10)

Create a resource

You can create a resource in a Knowledge Box, setting all the resource metadata, like:

  • slug: the slug of the resource
  • title: the title of the resource
  • summary: the summary of the resource (if not set, Nuclia will generate it)
  • icon: the mimetype you want to assign to the resource (by default, Nuclia will assign the mimetype corresponding to the first field added in the resource)
  • metadata:
  • origin: the origin metadata of the resource See API documenattion
  • usermetadata: User metadata, mostly used to set labels on the resource See API documenattion
  • fieldmetadata: Field metadata See API documenattion
  • origin: Origin metadata See API documenattion
  • extra: user-defined metadata

You can also set the contents of the resource, as fields:

  • Text fields in texts
  • Link fields in links
  • Conversation fields in conversations
  • File fields in files if they are provided as an URI (passing a binary file is not supported, you need to use the upload command).

Note: you cannot set File fields when creating a resource, you need to use the upload command.


  • CLI:

    nuclia kb resource create --slug=my-resource
    nuclia kb resource create --origin='{"collaborators":["THE_AUTHOR"]}' --usermetadata='{"classifications": [{"labelset": "SOME_CATEGORY", "label": "SOME_VALUE"}]}'
    nuclia kb resource create --texts='{"chapter-1": {"body": "here is a test", "format": "PLAIN"}'
    nuclia kb resource create --files='{"chapter-1": {"file": {"uri": "", "filename": "file.pdf", "contenttype": "application/pdf"}}}'

    IMPORTANT: when using the CLI on Windows, you need to escape the double quotes in the JSON strings, like:

    nuclia kb resource create --origin="{\"collaborators\":[\"THE_AUTHOR\"]}" --usermetadata="{\"classifications\": [{\"labelset\": \"SOME_CATEGORY\", \"label\": \"SOME_VALUE\"}]}"
  • SDK:

    from nuclia import sdk
    res = sdk.NucliaResource()
    "classifications": [
    {"labelset": "subjects", "label": "<Topic 1>"},
    {"labelset": "subjects", "label": "<Topic 2>"},
    texts={"chapter-1": {"body": "here is a test", "format": "PLAIN"}},

Get a resource

The existing resource can be identified by its unique id rid or its slug.

  • CLI:

    nuclia kb resource get --rid=RID
    nuclia kb resource get --slug=slug
  • SDK:

    from nuclia import sdk
    resource = sdk.NucliaResource()
    resource.get(rid=RID, show=["basic", "values"])

To download files stored into file fields, you can use the download directive:

  • CLI:

    nuclia kb resource download_file --rid=RID --file_id=FIELD_ID --output="./my-file.pdf"
  • SDK:

    from nuclia import sdk
    resource = sdk.NucliaResource()
    resource.download_file(rid=RID, file_id=FIELD_ID, output="./my-file.pdf")

Delete a resource on a kb

The existing resource can be identified by its unique id rid or its slug.

  • CLI:

    nuclia kb resource delete --rid=RID
    nuclia kb resource delete --slug=slug
  • SDK:

    from nuclia import sdk
    resource = sdk.NucliaResource()

Modify a resource

The existing resource can be identified by its unique id rid or its slug.

  • CLI:

    nuclia kb resource update --rid=RID --origin="{\"collaborators\":[\"AUTHOR_1\",\"AUTHOR_2\"]}"
    nuclia kb resource update --slug=slug --texts='{"chapter-1": {"body": "new chapter content", "format": "PLAIN"}'
  • SDK:

    from nuclia import sdk
    res = sdk.NucliaResource()
    #or slug="my-unique-resource-slug",
    "classifications": [
    {"labelset": "subjects", "label": "<Topic 1>"},
    {"labelset": "subjects", "label": "<Topic 3>"},

Send a resource to processing

If you need to re-process a resource, you can use the send_to_process method.

  • CLI:

    nuclia kb resource send_to_process --rid=RID
    nuclia kb resource send_to_process --slug=SLUG
  • SDK:

    from nuclia import sdk
    resource = sdk.NucliaResource()

Copy resources between Knowledge Boxes

You can copy resources from the default Knowledge Box to another. It duplicates the resource original content and metadata, but not the vectors or any extracted data. The resources will be reprocessed in the destination Knowledge Box.

You can copy one resource or a batch of resources.

  • CLI:

    nuclia kb copy --rid=RID --destination=KB_ID
    nuclia kb copy_all --destination=KB_ID
  • SDK:

    from nuclia import sdk
    kb = sdk.NucliaKB()
    kb.copy(rid=RID, destination=KB_ID)

By default, resources that are already in the destination Knowledge Box (based on their slug value) will not be copied. You can force the copy by using the --override flag:

nuclia kb copy_all --destination=KB_ID --override

You can also use filters to restrict the resources to copy:

nuclia kb copy_all --destination=KB_ID --filters='["/classifications.labels/review/done"]'

Summarizes resources

You can summarize one resource or a batch of resources. It will produce a summary for each resource plus a global summary for all the resources.

  • CLI:

    nuclia kb resource summarize --resources='["RID,RID1,RID2,RID3"]'
  • SDK:

    from nuclia import sdk
    kb = sdk.NucliaKB()