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Read extracted data

Read extracted data

Once you have uploaded a resource and it got processed by Nuclia, you can access the data extracted from it.

  • CLI:

    nuclia kb resource get --rid=RESOURCE_ID --show=extracted --json
  • SDK:

    from nuclia import sdk
    resource = sdk.NucliaResource()
    resource.get(rid=RESOURCE_ID, show='extracted')

Note: If the resource is not processed yet, a warning will be shown.

The extracted data is nested in the extracted key of each resource's field.

For example, if you have upload a file with:

nuclia kb upload file --path=FILE_PATH --field=file1

the corresponding extracted data will be in data.files.file1.extracted.

It contains the extracted text, the paragraphs, the entities, the relations between entities and all the file metadata.

Get embeddings

You can get the embeddings of the indexed text by using the extracted=vectors option:

  • CLI:

    nuclia kb resource get --rid=RESOURCE_ID --show=extracted --extracted=vectors --json
  • SDK:

    from nuclia import sdk
    resource = sdk.NucliaResource()
    resource.get(rid=RESOURCE_ID, show='extracted', extracted='vectors')