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What is a Knowledge Box?

A Knowledge Box is a container where you can store various resources (PDFs, videos, images, etc.), keeping the data isolated from other Knowledge Boxes. A Knowledge Box can be either public or private. You can have multiple knowledge boxes in your account.

Public Knowledge Box

Access Rights for a Public Box

When a Knowledge Box is public, all of its content is visible to everyone.

  • Anonymous users can query the Knowledge Box and see the results.
  • Only authorized users can add new content or change settings.

This setup is ideal when you want to control who can add content to the Knowledge Box while allowing everyone to search it.

To make a Knowledge Box public, go to the Knowledge Box settings in the Nuclia Dashboard and click the Publish button.

API Calls for a Public Box

  • The search endpoint can be accessed without any Authorization header.
  • Any endpoint that modifies the Knowledge Box requires a proper token in the Authorization header. This token can be an API key (Contributor or Owner) or a user token obtained from a SAML flow.

Private Knowledge Box

Access Rights for a Private Box

When a Knowledge Box is private, only authorized users can access it.


Nuclia does not support granular access control within a Knowledge Box. All content in a Knowledge Box is visible to all authorized users.

API Calls for a Private Box

All endpoints require an X-NUCLIA-SERVICEACCOUNT header.

Different roles are needed depending on the endpoint:

  • A Member API key is required for any read operation (e.g., getting a resource, searching).
  • A Contributor API key is required for any write operation (e.g., creating a resource, setting a label).
  • An Owner API key is required for any admin operation (e.g., changing settings, adding a user).

These roles are cumulative: a Contributor can perform all actions a Member can, and an Owner can perform all actions a Contributor can.