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Check the API status

The /status endpoint is designed to enhance monitoring and management. It allows users to get the status for search, suggest, list, create, and manage activities efficiently.

It is hosted at

The /status endpoint

  • URL: /api/status
  • Method: GET
  • Authorization: Not required.


The response is a JSON array where each object represents a public monitor's status. Below is the structure of the response data:

"id": "string",
"type": "status_page_resource",
"attributes": {
"resource_id": "number",
"resource_type": "string",
"public_name": "string",
"explanation": "string",
"history": "boolean",
"widget_type": "string",
"position": "number",
"availability": "number",
"status_history": [
"day": "date",
"status": "string",
"downtime_duration": "number"


  • id: Unique identifier for the resource.
  • type: Type of the resource, always status_page_resource.
  • attributes: Contains detailed information about the resource.
    • resource_id: Numeric identifier of the resource.
    • resource_type: Type of the resource, e.g., Monitor.
    • public_name: Public Name of the resource.
    • explanation: Additional explanation about the resource status.
    • history: Indicates if historical data is available.
    • widget_type: Type of the widget used to display the resource.
    • position: Position of the resource in the UI.
    • availability: Takes on a the percentage value of a resource's availability.
    • status_history: Array of status history objects.
      • day: Date of the status record.
      • status: Status during this day.
      • downtime_duration: Duration of downtime in minutes.

Example Request

curl -X GET ""

Example Response

"id": "8456629",
"type": "status_page_resource",
"attributes": {
"status_page_section_id": 225324,
"resource_id": 830388,
"resource_type": "Monitor",
"history": true,
"widget_type": "history",
"public_name": "EU - Search KnowledgeBox",
"explanation": "",
"position": 0,
"availability": 0.999617,
"status_history": [
"day": "2024-08-16",
"status": "operational",
"downtime_duration": 0,
"maintenance_duration": 0
"id": "8456632",
"type": "status_page_resource",
"attributes": {
"status_page_section_id": 225324,
"resource_id": 830451,
"resource_type": "Monitor",
"history": true,
"widget_type": "history",
"public_name": "EU - Create Resource",
"explanation": "",
"position": 1,
"availability": 1,
"status_history": [
"day": "2024-08-16",
"status": "operational",
"downtime_duration": 0,
"maintenance_duration": 0