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Data Ownership

Data Ownership

Your data is yours. We do not own it, we do not use it, we do not sell it, we do not train our models on it.

Data Storage

All data is stored on the Nuclia cloud platform, with the option to choose between two regions: Europe or the United States.

Alternatively, you can host your data by running your own NucliaDB instance. In this case, processing will still occur on the Nuclia cloud platform, but the original data and extracted information will be stored locally on your instance. Once processing is complete, no data remains on the Nuclia cloud platform.

Data Privacy

Your data is stored in your Knowledge Box, a private space accessible only to you. You have the option to share your Knowledge Box with other users, but this decision is entirely yours.

We do not use your data to train our language models, ensuring that no information from your data is leaked into responses generated for other customers.


You can train a model on your own data, but this will create a custom model stored within your Knowledge Box, inaccessible to anyone else.